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Let your sauce be no thicker than cream, which pour upon your chickens. Garnish your dish with sippets, mushrooms, and slices of lemon. They are proper for a side-dish or a top-dish either at noon or night. How to boil a TURKEY.

The smiling little hostess steals a smell of the sauce while they are discussing politics, and believes she does smell kerosene, and she looks at the old man kind of spunky, when he glances at the rag on his thumb and asks if there is no liniment in the house.

The honor of a nation which confers right of property in works of art, produced by its own citizens, is surely concerned in protecting from theft works of art produced by other citizens." "That's not the fault of the people." "Certainly not. I have already said it's the fault of the Government. Let's attend to the fish now." Randal took his friend's advice. "Good sauce, isn't it?" he said.

Simply to strike out the word "male" from the statute, that is our present work. "What is sauce for the goose" but the proverb is somewhat musty. These educational and property restrictions may be of value; but wherever they are already removed from the men they must be removed from women also. Enfranchise them equally, and then begin afresh, if you please, to legislate for the whole human race.

"I had plenty of delightful chat with St Aubyn, and then a visitor came in. It's that that I want to talk about." "A visitor, eh?" said Aunt Charlotte, her attention quickening. "What sort of a visitor? A lady?" "Yes, an old lady," replied Austin, "who " "Did she come in an open fly?" pursued Aunt Charlotte, helping herself to sauce. "Why, how did you know? I believe she did," said Austin.

Meanwhile, something must be done to allay the universal impatience, and they resolved to show Mother Mitchel the gratitude with which all hearts were filled. She was crowned with the laurel of conquerors, which is also the laurel of sauce, thus serving a double purpose. Then they placed her, with her crutch and her cat, upon a sort of throne, and carried her all round her vast work.

Bake in a buttered dish until firm and slightly brown, from a half to three-quarters of an hour. When done, draw it to the door of the oven and cover with a meringue made of the whites of the eggs, whipped to a froth with four tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar and the lemon juice; put it back in the oven and brown a light straw color. Eat warm, with lemon sauce.

No one satisfied with the results. Mrs H came to me in great distress. It seems the larder is empty of chutney, curry and worcestershire sauce and none of these items can be purchased at Fortnum & Mason's or anywhere else. I assured her it was a matter of indifference to me since I did not care particularly for any of these delicacies. Mrs H swept this aside as entirely irrelevant.

When the rice is ready serve in an open dish, place the chicken on the top and pour over it a rich sauce of melted butter and hard boiled eggs chopped fine. The bacon can be sliced very thin and served with lettuce as a course. From MRS. HELEN C. BRAYTON, of South Carolina, Vice-President of State Board and Lady Manager. Cut the chicken in pieces and stew in as much water as will cover it.

While it is boiling, cut several slices of bread half an inch thick, pare off the crust and toast it a delicate brown on both sides. Pour over white sauce, or melted butter. Boil a bunch of asparagus twenty minutes; cut off the tender tops and lay them in a deep-pie plate, buttering, salting and peppering well.