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The artillery played first upon what was called the "White Tower," which happened to bear this ancient, rhyming inscription: "When every man receives his own, And justice reigns for strong and weak, Perfect shall be this tower of stone, And all the dumb will learn to speak." "Quand chacun sera satisfaict, Et la justice regnera, Ce boulevard sera parfaict, Et la muette parlera." Valenciennes MS.

The artillery played first upon what was called the "White Tower," which happened to bear this ancient, rhyming inscription: "When every man receives his own, And justice reigns for strong and weak, Perfect shall be this tower of stone, And all the dumb will learn to speak." "Quand chacun sera satisfaict, Et la justice regnera, Ce boulevard sera parfaict, Et la muette parlera." Valenciennes MS.

The artillery played first upon what was called the "White Tower," which happened to bear this ancient, rhyming inscription: "When every man receives his own, And justice reigns for strong and weak, Perfect shall be this tower of stone, And all the dumb will learn to speak." "Quand chacun sera satisfaict, Et la justice regnera, Ce boulevard sera parfaict, Et la muette parlera." Valenciennes MS.

The artillery played first upon what was called the "White Tower," which happened to bear this ancient, rhyming inscription: "When every man receives his own, And justice reigns for strong and weak, Perfect shall be this tower of stone, And all the dumb will learn to speak." "Quand chacun sera satisfaict, Et la justice regnera, Ce boulevard sera parfaict, Et la muette parlera." Valenciennes MS.