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When I had finished my breakfast, I went down and wandered about among the people. Groups of elderly men were talking earnestly; and young men and maidens who had come to be fee'd, were joking and laughing. They stared at the Sassenach gentleman, and, little thinking that he understood every word they uttered, made their remarks upon him in no very subdued tones.

"Gratitude!" cried John, "say no more; you have fathomed the cause of his bitterness at the first trial. If I had been a boy in a bed myself, and some reckless soldiery of a foreign clan, out of a Sassenach notion of decency, insulted my mother and my home with a covert gift of coin to pay for a night's lodging, I would throw it in their faces and follow it up with stones."

Willyum th' Conq'ror was Irish on his mother's side, an' he bate th' heads off iv th' bloody Sassenach, an' soaked their king wan in th' eye wid a bow 'n' arry at a fight I disremimber th' name of, back a thousand years before Willyum th' Dutchman may his sowl get its needin's! come out iv his swamps. I tell yez th' McHales come from Galway.

Macaulay is undoubtedly right in saying that the Highland risings against William III. and the first two Georges were not dynastic but clan movements. They were in fact the last raids of the Gael upon the country which had been wrested from him by the Sassenach.

"As dark as the shadow upon the moon," replied Ranald, "when she is darkened in her mid-course in heaven, and prophets foretell of evil times." "Come hither," said Allan, "come more this way, I would converse with you apart; for men say that in your distant islands the sight is poured forth with more clearness and power than upon us, who dwell near the Sassenach."

Pardon us, gentle readers, for the imperfect way in which we have fulfilled it. Thus ends the Third and last Chronicle of Aescendune. i Ordericus Vitalis, lib. iv. 523. ii William of Malmesbury. iii Sassenach equals Saxon.

The prize which they dropped turned out to be an English lady whom they had carried off, leaving in her place a stock, which, of course, died and was buried. The Sassenach woman lived for some years in the Highlander's house, until the captain in command of an English regiment came to lodge in his house with his son, while the soldiers were making new roads through the country.

'An' ye have no har-rd feelin' about th' way th' bridges has been give out? 'Not a thrace, says he. 'Well, says I, 'Schwartz, I says, 'they'se wan thing more, I says. 'We're both pathrites, I says. 'We have a common cause, I says. 'Ye're a Dutchman, an' I'm iv' th' other sort, I says. 'But we're both again th' Sassenach, I says.

As for their coin, every one knows the couplet 'How can the rogues pretend to sense? And now the report of a gun was heard, and a sportsman was seen, with his dogs and attendant, at the upper end of the glen. 'Shough, said Dugald Mahony, 'tat's ta Chief. 'It is not, said Evan imperiously. 'Do you think he would come to meet a Sassenach Duinhe-wassel in such a way as that?

"He behaved badly to the sergeant, who said warmly: ''Tis a brave thing ye did, Private Ormond. And 'Is it? said Ormond with a sneer. 'I thought we were paid for doing such things. 'Och, ye sour-faced Sassenach! said Sergeant Mulqueen, disgusted; and told me about the whole affair." Ailsa had clasped her hands in her lap. The fingers were tightening till the delicate nails whitened.