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"Where is the difference?" "The reasoning powers are generally limited to their necessities; but with animals who are the companions of man, they appear to be more extended." "We have a grand supper to-night," said Alexander; "what shall I help you to harte-beest, sassaby, or rhinoceros?"

On, swifter than a sassaby and surer-footed than a fox; now the worst of the road was passed, and a long, smooth slope, almost free from stones, led them to the grassy plain beneath.

But here come the Hottentots with our game; come, Swinton, leave your preparations for a little while, and see what our morning's sport has been." Swinton put aside the skin of the sassaby that he was cleaning, and walked with them to where the men were assembled, and was not a little surprised when he saw the skins and jaws of the lion and lioness.

We went on in good spirits, for we had made a fair beginning, and secured friends in our rear, which was of great importance. We walked on for about two hours in the cool of the morning, when, beginning to get very hungry, we looked about for water to cook our breakfast. None, however, could we discover. At length, pushing on ahead, we saw before us a small antelope called a sassaby.

"Where is the difference?" "The reasoning powers are generally limited to their necessities; but with animals who are the companions of man, they appear to be more extended." "We have a grand supper to-night," said Alexander; "what shall I help you to harte-beest, sassaby, or rhinoceros?"

But here come the Hottentots with our game; come, Swinton, leave your preparations for a little while, and see what our morning's sport has been." Swinton put aside the skin of the sassaby that he was cleaning, and walked with them to where the men were assembled, and was not a little surprised when he saw the skins and jaws of the lion and lioness.

In the south two kinds are near akin to it the Harte-beest or Secaama, and the Sassaby or Bastard harte-beest. The Korrigun is another of these large antelopes, belonging to Western Africa; and the Bonte-boc and Bles-boc are two similar kinds, existing in the country of the Hottentots.

There were all sorts of them, springbucks in myriads, blesbok and quagga and wildebeeste in thousands, sable antelope, sassaby and hartebeeste in herds, eland, giraffe and koodoo in troops; while the forests were full of elephant and the streams of sea-cow.

But who shall ring round Groan-Maker that shines on all sides at once, Groan-Maker who falls heavily no more, but pecks and pecks and pecks like a wood-bird on a tree, and never pecks in vain? Who shall ring round those feet swifter than the Sassaby of the plains? Wow! He is here! He is there! He is a sorcerer! Death is in his hand, and death looks out of his eyes!