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They rode together in silence, until the Elder asked: "You ain't a Member, air you?" "No." "That's bad. I kinder misdoubted it las' Sunday; but I wasn't sartin. Ef your callin' and election ain't sure, I guess Mr. Crew oughter talk to you." These phrases were jerked out with long pauses separating them, and then the Elder was ominously silent.

I'm a'most sartin he'll be at the shanty. Anyhow, he's in the trap, and can't get out till he's hed my claws roun' the scruff o' his neck an' my thumb on his thropple." "Don't kill him if you can help it. True he deserves to die; but we may want a word with him first. He may give information that will afterwards prove useful to us." "Don't be afeared, Frank.

One t'ing's sartin, I neber saw him do nuffin' for fear, nor revenge, nor anger, no, nor yet for fun; allers for lub and," added Moses, after a moment's thought, "sometimes for money, when we goes on a tradin' 'spidition but he don't make much account ob dat."

He would much rather remain and see the bewilderment of Peleg Growdy reach its conclusion. "Look here, Paul, what's this hull thing mean?" finally demanded the farmer. And Paul, remembering the fact that the old man was hard of hearing, raised his voice as he thought fit when making reply. "Do you want me to tell you the whole thing, sir?" "I sartin do, every word.

You might as well say it aint a Clock Country, when, to my sartin knowledge, there are more clocks than bibles in it. I guess you expect to raise your bread ready made, dont you? Well there's only one class of our free and enlightened citizens that can do that, and that's them that are born with silver spoons in their mouths.

"What in thunder are ye driving at?" growled the no less astonished Sut, as the flame was almost brought against his face. "Do yer take me for a kag of powder, and do ye want to touch me off?" "No, but I was thinking that that long, red nose of yourn was so full of whiskey that it would burn, and I wanted to make sartin."

It's an amazin' lot fur poor folks like us, an' I can't somehow git it through my head that we're goin' to git so much. But if we do get it, Davy, we'll have some high old times when it comes, me an' you." "You and me!" exclaimed David. "Sartin; I want some good clothes an' so do you. 'Twon't be enough to get us a hoss apiece.

"Well, he was, and week a fore that 'twas only three. So that's a gain, ain't it?" "Sartin." "I didn't count the time he stopped after a drink of water neither. That wasn't a real call, but " "Oh, it ought to count for somethin'! Call it a ha'f a time. That would make four times and a ha'f he was here."

They don't know what it 's for and ye don't know what it 's for; but take a young man like you, and ef ye ain't keerful, Vesty'll jest as sartin git in a kile on you as the world." "How about that strong-looking young man?" I said. "Very easy, swaggers gracefully with the blue eyes." "Neow I know jest who you mean!

“Well, I’m mistrustful, Johnsaid Leather-Stocking, in whose air there had been, during the whole business, a strong expression of doubt and uncertainty. “They say that there’s new laws in the land, and I’m sartin that there’s new ways in the mountains. One hardly knows the lakes and streams, they’ve altered the country so much.