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Our canvas filled and the sloop got a bone in her teeth and walked away with it just as prettily as ever she had sailed in Bolderhead Harbor. "She's a beauty boat, lad," growled old Tom Anderly. "And she's taking us out o' range o' them carcasses Whew! they sartainly do begin to stink. I don't begredge the boys their job of cutting them whales up when they git at it."

The cook and Josh are both in my secret, and know I mean to come back, and when the fit is over I have only to return to duty, like any other hand. It is my calculation that Spike believes both Miss Rose and myself on board the Molly at this very moment." "And the boat what can he suppose has become of the boat?" "Sartainly, the boat makes the only chance ag'in us.

Nancy's face bore all the sudden traces of disappointment and mortification; and, from a principle of retaliation, she resolved to give her companion a morsel from the same fruit. "Now, Nancy," continued the former, "what's this you have to tell us?" "But you swear not to breathe it to man, woman, or child, boy or girl, rich or poor, livin' or dead?" "Sartainly I do." "Well, then, it's this.

"I wouldn't go for ter say Hopewell is a sharper," he grinned; "but mebbe he ain't so powerful innercent as he sometimes 'pears. If so, I'm sartainly glad of it." "What do you mean, Mr. Dexter?" asked 'Rill, rather sharply. "Guess Joe Bodley feels like he'd like ter know whether Hopewell done him or not.

Moore likes to joke the same as you do, Mr. Dexter," said Janice, quietly. "Ahem! You sartainly have got some of us goin'," said the driver, whimsically. "Look at Jase Day! I never did think nothin' less'n Gabriel's trump would start Jase. But yest'day I'm jiggered if I didn't see him mendin' his pasture fence. And the old Day house looks like another place that's right. How d'you do it?"

We must sartainly manage to get Hist off, and have 'em married as soon as we get back to the tribe, or this war will be of no more use to the chief, than a hunt a little oncommon extr'ornary. Yes Yes he'll never be the man he was, till this matter is off his mind, and he comes to his senses like all the rest of mankind.

I sartainly myself does consider that that ere dog could not a have cummed into this here vessel by any manner of means natural not by no means, 'cause it's very clear, that a dog if he be as he be a dog, can't do no more than other dogs can; and if he can do more than heither dog or man can, then he must be the devil, and not a dog and so he is that's sartain.

Preachah Stone said last time he preached fur us thet we sartainly air progressin', an' I'm glad on it, too, though I never hed edvantiges myse'f. When I wuz a little gal down in Car'liny, I went to school long 'nough to l'arn my a-b-c's. Then the redskins broke up the school, an' we didn't hev no more tell I wuz a big gal an' 'shamed to go an' l'arn my a-b abs 'long with the little shavers.

De sojers is a huntin' fer yer, Marse Edwin; dey's all eround us! Hush-sh-sh! said she, as I attempted to rise; 'lie still, honey, dey'll sartainly cotch yer if yer goes out now! Dey's sentinils posted everywhar, and dey'll shoot you down like a dog! My poor Marse Edwin, she wailed, 'why did yer do it? Why did yer do it? Why did yer kill him? He nebber done yer no harm.

Still Deacon Pratt loved his niece, and was well inclined to see her become the wife of "young Gar'ner," more especially should the last return successful. "Unchanged!" repeated the uncle, slowly; "you sartainly would not wish to marry him, Mary, if he was changed!" "I do not mean changed, in the sense you are thinking of, uncle. But we will not talk of this now.