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He's got folks out to Indianny, an' we sot out fur to go a-cousinin', five year back, an' we got out there inter the dre'fullest woodsy region ever ye see, where 'twa'n't trees, it was 'sketers; husband he couldn't see none out of his eyes for a hull day, and I thought I should caterpillar every time I heerd one of 'em toot; they sartainly was the beater-ee!" "The key, if you please!"

"Here's Old Buster, the sack cleaner. Haowdy do, my friend? I'm sartainly glad to shake ye again." "Up to date," said Cooper, tying his shoes, "I've never seen you do any great shakes with Old Buster." "Oh, ain't ye?" snapped Sile resentfully. "Mebbe yeou've forgot that three-sacker I got with this club in the Clearport game." "Um-mum," mumbled Chipper.

I've lived next farm to him for thirty years, so I ought to know. But he's queer sartainly not like other people kind of unsociable. He don't care for a thing 'cept dogs and reading and mooning round woods and fields. That ain't natural, you know. But I must say he's a good farmer. He's got the best farm in Bayside, and that's a real nice house he put up on it.

Arnot's eyes turned questioningly to her husband, and she saw that his face was dark with anger and disgust. "He is drunk," he said, turning to Pat, who stood in the door, cap in hand. "Faix, sur, it looks moighty loike it. But it's not for a dacent sober man loike meself to spake sartainly o' sich matters." "Few words and to the point, sir," said Mr.

What do you think, stranger? "'Sartainly, said Squatter; 'but seein' that the man had a vow, why it warn't his fault, for he couldn't do nothin' else. Where he did wrong, was to look back; if he hadn't a looked back, he wouldn't have sinned. "'Well, well, sais Cran, 'if that's the case, it is a hoss of another colour, that. I won't look back nother, then. Let him he.

"If it should jump out of at canoe," interrupted Jasper, smiling, thought he was evidently more disposed than his friend to let the passage of the falls be forgotten. "The boy is right," rejoined Pathfinder, laughing in Mabel's face, the canoes being now so near that they almost touched; "he is sartainly right. But you have not told us what you think of the leap we took?"

But vhy do dey dalk so much of noples and arisdograts? ist der noples and arisdograts in America?" "Well, I don't much understand the natur' of sich things; there sartainly is a difference in men, and a difference in their fortun's, and edications, and such sort of things." "Und der law, den, favours der rich man at der cost of der poor, in America, too, does it?

"And all at the same time, so that the whole town can be made neat at once." "Now," declared Mrs. Petrie, giving her decided and unqualified approval, "I call that a right sensible idea. I'm for that scheme, hammer and tongs! This here Day girl, that I ain't never had the pleasure of meetin' before, has sartainly got a head on her. I vote we do it!" That is just how it all began.

Ishmael, my boy, I think you got all your interlects from Hannah. You sartainly didn't get 'em from me. Well as I was a-saying of, there was no one inside except Mrs. Lord I mean Mrs. Lady Vincent and her city waiting-maid. And on the outside, a-sitting alongside o' the driver, was a gentleman, as Jim as happened to be here introduced to me as Mr.

"Not in the sense of a king's officer, Judith, sartainly, for March has no turn thataway; but in the sense of reality, why may not a beaver-hunter be as respectable as a governor? Since you speak of it yourself, I'll not deny that he did complain of one as humble as you being so much in the company of scarlet coats and silken sashes.