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"I am cock sure the hall door was not latched," said Duffy; "for they had neither stop nor stay at it." "There is a villing among us sartainly," observed Mrs. O'Brien; "for as heaving is above me, I locked it wid my own two hands this blessed night."

Sure yous come from the North, and don't belave in keeping the naigers in bondage?" "To be sure not." "Well, then, would yous help a naiger out of throuble, if yous could as well as not?" "I sartainly wish 'em well; but the Scripture says 'Honor the king, which means nothin' more nor less than 'obey the laws. Arter all, though, perhaps we ought not to mind wicked laws."

However he sat it through, and when at last the account was finished, remarked that things "sartainly did look queer."

"It is sartainly a law of nature, Captain Cuffe, that smaller objects should be overlooked, in the presence of greater; and such a thing might happen, therefore; though I should place it among the improbables, if not absolutely among the impossibles.

"Sure enough!" went on Walky, "that's another thing that kin honestly be laid to Lem Parraday's openin' that bar at the Inn. That's where Jack got the liquor that twisted his brain, that led him astray, that made him a thief Jefers-pelters! sounds jest like 'The Haouse That Jack Built, don't it? But poor Jack Besmith has sartainly built him a purty poor haouse.

Besides, how often they burned me out, and robbed my traps ay, and pulled trigger on me, in the most peaceful times?" "The blackguards will do such things, I must allow; and we pay 'em off pretty much in their own c'ine. Women would not be on the war-path, sartainly; and, so far, there's reason in your idee." "Nor would a hunter be in his war-paint," returned Deerslayer.

He sartainly was one 'drug on the market, if ever there was one! Always a-dreamin' an' never accomplishin' anything.

"'No, no, not that, it's an island on the coast of Nova Scotia. You know where that is sartainly. "'I never heard of it, Sir. "'Well, Lord love you! you know what an old seal is? "'Oh, yes, sir, I'll get you my master's in a moment. And off he sot full chisel.

This year, what I'll take in for my cargo, what I'll make cash money fer work fer the immygrints, I'll salt down anyways ten thousand; next year maybe twicet that, or even more. I sartainly will do a good trade with them Mormons." "I suppose," said the girl, patient with what she knew was alcoholic garrulity.

So, says I, stranger captain, sais I, is all these forks and spoons, and plates and covers, and urns, and what nots, rael genuwine solid silver, the clear thing, and no mistake. 'Sartainly, said he, 'we have nothin' but silver here. He did, upon my soul, just as cool, as if it was all true; well you can't tell a military what he sais ain't credible, or you have to fight him.