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Brayle doesn't wish it!" I echoed "And why?" "Well, he thinks it will not be good for me and and he hates the very sight of Santoris!" I said nothing. She rose to leave my cabin. "Please don't think too hardly of me!" she said, pleadingly, "I've told you frankly just how I feel, and you can imagine how glad I shall be when this yachting trip comes to an end."

"Or germs of life!" said Santoris, quietly "According to my knowledge or 'theory, as you prefer to call it, there are no germs of actual death. There are germs which disintegrate effete forms of matter merely to allow the forces of life to rebuild them again and these may propagate in the human system if it so happens that the human system is prepared to receive them.

Santoris as a 'devil' seriously!" "He is!" And she nodded her head emphatically "And all those queer beliefs he holds and you hold them too! are devilish! If you belonged to the Church of Rome, you would not be allowed to indulge in such wicked theories for a moment." "Ah! The Church of Rome fortunately cannot control thought!" I said "Not even the thoughts of its own children!

"Did the 'wild Highland fellow' name me?" "No I believe he called you 'the shentleman that owns the yacht." "Oh well!" and Santoris laughed "There are so many 'shentlemen' that own yachts! He may have got mixed in his customers. In any case, I am glad to have some little thing in common with your friend if only a bunch of heather!"

"Indeed I did!" I replied, with emphasis "It was a lovely scene! never to be forgotten," "You and Mr. Santoris would be sure to get on well together," said Catherine, rather crossly "'Birds of a feather, you know!" I smiled. I was too much taken up with my own thoughts to pay attention to her evident ill-humour. I was aware that Dr.

A little while back I had heard voices behind a wall saying that Rafel Santoris was dead, -drowned in his own yacht 'off Armadale, in Skye. If that was true how came he here? I questioned myself in vain, till presently I gathered up sufficient force to remember that love REAL love knows no change. Did I believe in my lover's love, or did I doubt it? That was a point for my own consideration!

I know nothing you would not dare! but with all your boldness, you are full of mere theories, and theories never made an ill man well yet." Santoris exchanged a swift glance with me. Then he spoke: "Theory without practice is, of course, useless," he said "But surely you can see that this lady has reached a certain plane of thought on which she herself dwells in health and content?

"Oh, is it only 'apparent'?" laughed Santoris, gaily "Well, to those who never knew me in my boyhood's days and are therefore never hurling me back to their 'thirty years or more ago' of friendship, etc., my youth seems very actual! You see their non-ability to count up the time I have spent on earth obliges them to accept me at my own valuation! There's really nothing to explain in the matter.

"Oh, not at all, sir, if you are satisfied," Derrick answered. Mr. Harland stretched himself luxuriously in his chair. "Personally, I don't mind where the 'Diana' has gone to for the moment," he said, with a laugh "I'm particularly comfortable where I am. Santoris!" "Here!" And Santoris, who had stepped aside to give some order to one of his men, came up at the call.

'Hopelessly ensnared and victimised. What did they mean? Since I had seen Rafel Santoris with another woman he called 'beloved' I had felt almost incapable of speech but now I found my voice suddenly. "I do not understand you" I said, as clearly and firmly as I could- "I am here by my own desire, and I am not being ensnared or victimised. Why should I need rescue?"