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"I am the last descendant of the great Sanoms of Mo, the powerful rulers who for a thousand years have held our country against all its enemies, Mahommedan, Pagan or Christian. I am the Prince of Mo." "But where is Mo?" I asked. "I have never heard of it." "I am not surprised," he said. "No stranger has entered it, or ever will, for it is unapproachable and well-guarded.

True, they have been abstracted in a manner almost miraculous for ingenuity and rapidity, but from this moment I will not rest until they are recovered. And you, Scarsmere, as Keeper of the Treasure-house, shall assist me." "I am ready," I answered, excited at the prospect of this new task before us. "We will spare no effort to seek the thief and recover the Treasure of the Sanoms.

"No; after all, I am not actually positive that such is the case," he answered. "There are facts connected with the affair, trivial in themselves, that lead me to believe otherwise." "What are they?" "One is that the wonderful ruby necklet, an ornament of matchless gems that belonged to King Karmos and is one of the talismans of the Sanoms, has been left. I found it flung aside and discarded.

The discovery of the wonderful treasure of the Sanoms made it plain to me that there must be an exit somewhere, for the packs were far too ponderous to have been lowered from the Kasbah by the way we had entered. On reflection I saw that the lion was evidently kept there to guard the entrance to the store of treasure, therefore it was not surprising that there was no outlet in that direction.

"It is the great Rock Diadem of the Sanoms of Mo!" she answered. "See! It is surmounted by the vampire, our national emblem!" Then, I saw that upon the crest of the diadem was a single great diamond wonderfully chiselled to represent a bat with outspread wings, the device upon the banners of the mystic realm. "This," she continued, "is without doubt the historic crown of the first Naya.

On gaining the information it is apparently their intention to make a raid, with Kouaga leading, in order to secure our wealth." But Samory himself interrupted our consultation. "Speak not with thine infidel companion," he roared. "Answer me. Tell me where this treasure of the Sanoms lieth." "The son of the Naya is no traitor," he answered with hauteur.

Of the treasure of the Sanoms, too, nothing had been heard. How it had been conveyed out of Mo remained an inscrutable mystery. I confess to being astonished that Omar seldom, if ever, spoke of either of these matters, which had at first so seriously agitated him.

A look of abject bewilderment crossed Omar's features, and he turned to me, saying in English: "All is now plain, Scars. Because only the Naya herself is aware of the spot where the treasure of the Sanoms is deposited, my mother, on the eve of my departure for England, divulged to me the secret, fearing lest she should die before my return.

It had indeed been a curious turn of events that had conspired to place my friend upon the throne of an autocrat, and also to give, into my own unaccustomed hands, the rule and control of this most magnificent and extensive capital, and all the wondrous treasures of the royal house of the Sanoms.

"We are actually on our way to another of your mother's enemies, whose relentless cruelty is common talk throughout the world." "True," he answered. "If we find the slightest loop-hole for escape we must embrace it. But if not " and he paused. "If not, then we must meet our deaths with the calm indifference alike traditional of the Sanoms and of Englishmen."