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It was offered at one hundred and fifty dollars. The owner, knowing Sanford's fondness for a gay, fast-going horse, urged him to buy. The temptation was very strong. He looked at the animal again and again, rode him out, talked about him, until, finally, the desire to own him became almost irresistible.

They stood before the window in a row and read the notice. McIlvaine gesticulated with his cigar. "Gentlemen, there's a pig loose here." "One o' Link's jokes, I reckon." "But that's Sanford's writin'. An' here it is nine o'clock, and no one round. I don't like the looks of it, myself."

Gleason was promptly on hand with other officers to assist; the band was just marching away towards its quarters, when Miss Sanford's quick eye was attracted by the sight of some evident commotion at the adjutant's office at the west end; one soldier was running at full speed in pursuit of the old and new officers of the day, who were descending the slope to the creek valley, another soldier the commanding officer's orderly came running down the road towards the party.

"'Your big fellow? Why, he just passed you, said Jim. "'No, said I, 'that can't be the man; that must be some consumptive. "'Just the same, that's your big fellow in his football suit, said Jim. 'The biggest part of him is hanging up in there on a nail. "Some tailors, these fellows have nowadays." Johnny Mack further tells of an amusing incident in Foster Sanford's coaching.

It was Sanford's spirit, leaving the earth, and bidding me good-by as it wafted past." "Why didn't he bid his wife good-by?" Hendricks was blunt, but he deemed it best to speak thus, rather than to encourage the ghost talk. "He probably tried to, but Eunice must have been asleep.

Mr. Sanford's wishes being my own in the matter, of course, I did as I was told, closed out the cattle stock and set the sheep grazing on the range. The cattlemen were angry and sent me an ultimatum to the effect that if the sheep were not at once taken off the grass there would be "trouble."

She saw the little man's eyebrows elevate themselves in a glance toward Constance, following Laurie's low, energetic communication. Then she felt herself trembling with relief as Professor Harmon announced apologetically, "I understand that I almost made the mistake of overlooking one of Sanford's promising young singers. Will Miss Stevens please come forward?"

A great love existed between these two, and both had been honest and honorable so long as Eunice was Sanford's wife. And even now, though Embury was gone, Elliott made no protestation of love to his widow said no word that might not have been heard by the whole world, but they both knew no word was necessary.

Stannard and Grace with the dark-eyed cavalryman, and those dark eyes of his sought hers every other minute. They tried to get him to talk of his ride. Even Grace, declaring that he must, and turning laughingly to her friend, exclaimed, "Come, Maidie, add your plea. You have a right to know how your colors went;" and Miss Sanford's face flamed with its sudden blush, but she spoke no word. Mrs.

Voices mingled in his ears. The other walkie-talkies allowed everybody to speak at once. Most of them did. Then Joe heard someone laugh. It was Sanford's voice. Sandford's aluminized, space-suited figure came clanking around the curve of the small metal world. The antenna of his walkie-talkie glittered above his head. He seemed to swagger against the background of many-colored stars.