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The senator looked as if he had been sand-bagged. The two men jumped out of the boat and hauled it up. Mr. Cooke waved an easy salute to one, whom I recognized as the big boatman from Asquith, familiarly known as Captain Jay. He owned the Scimitar and several smaller boats. The captain went through the pantomime of an introduction between Mr.

I noticed a sergeant of the Lancashire Fusiliers at the entrance to a thickly sand-bagged shelter, and asked him if there was another way to the section of the front line I sought. "No, sir," he said, "that is the only way; but it's mighty unhealthy just now. The Hun is crumpling it with his 5.9-inch H.E., and making a tidy mess of the road. But he don't hit our guns, sir.

At last we made a sort of cave, a snug little Peter Pan home, sand-bagged all round and safe from shells when you crawled in. I often thought what a fine thing Stevenson would have written from the local colour of the bay. Its changing colours were intense and wonderful.

"Burke and I had both been neatly sand-bagged, my dear Petrie, and removed elsewhere, some hours before Weymouth raided the gaming house. Oh! I don't know how they smuggled us away with the police watching the place; but my presence here is sufficient evidence of the fact. Are you armed?" "No; my pistol was in my raincoat, which is missing."

The sand-bagged cellar doors, the ruined houses, and the holes in the pavement looked as unreal as the violences of a cinema against that soft and simple setting. The people were abroad in the streets, and the little children were playing. A big shell gives notice enough for one to get to shelter, if the shelter is near enough.

Arrived at their redoubts they shovelled and sand-bagged away under the direction of the versatile R.E., with a rest during the hottest part of the day, until the evening saw their equally noisy and cheerful return to camp. We were glad they enjoyed it, but felt no envious desire to share their labours with them. In spite of the breeze off the sea the weather remained extremely hot.

There is no question of being dragged into the matter. I'm here; and if I can be of any use, I'm glad I am here!" He grasped my hand. "There were two Chinese, in European clothes lord, how my head throbs! in that office door. They sand-bagged us, Petrie think of it! in broad daylight, within hail of the Strand! We were rushed into the car and it was all over, before " His voice grew faint.

So elaborate and skilful were the enemy defences that the powerful lenses failed to detect any trace of the rifle pits and sand-bagged parapets of the trenches. Nor were any troops visible. The top of the table-land looked as deserted as an unexplored land in the Polar regions. Wilmshurst lowered his binoculars.

The sausage might come peeping up at any moment over the station roof, and so we skirted the square. Arras was fought for in the early stages of the war; two lines of sand-bagged breastworks still run obliquely through the station; one is where the porters used to put luggage upon cabs and one runs the length of the platform.

The judge had no option but to discharge the notorious character whom the jury of his peers had exonerated. "You may go," said the indignant judge, "but it seems to me that you would be doing good service to this country if you sand-bagged every man on that jury."