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During dinner Sam was tremendously curious to discover how and where his friend and Mary had met and what the scrape might be to which Crawford had referred. But his curiosity was unsatisfied. Mr. Smith refused to tell and Mary only smiled and shook her head when questioned. The young people furnished most of the conversation during the meal.

"Most affectionately, R. E. Lee. "P. S. I received a letter from F : all well. "R. E. L." Sam was the gardener and man-of-all-work at Lexington. My father took great interest in his garden and always had a fine one. Still, in Savannah, he again writes to his wife acknowledging the letters forwarded to him and commenting on the steps being taken: "Savannah, Georgia, April 11, 1870.

The pilgrim's bullet just barely creased him, an' when Sam Moore went back with a spring wagon to fetch his remains, Purdy riz up an' started cussin' him out an' scairt Sam so his team run away an' he lost his voice an' ain't spoke out loud since an' them's only one of the things he done.

He would have his supper, and then sing for Art's sake. Sam Galloway's repertoire comprised about fifty funny stories and between thirty and forty songs. He by no means stopped there. He could talk through twenty cigarettes on any topic that you brought up. And he never sat up when he could lie down; and never stood when he could sit.

I really think I chose the 'dottes because the first reply to my letters was from a man who was breeding them." "They are 'beauts, all of them, and I'll give them a good chance to spread themselves," said Sam. "What percentage of hatch may we expect from purchased eggs?" "About sixty chicks out of every hundred eggs, I reckon." "That would be doing pretty well, wouldn't it?

"Looky here, Sam Pitman," he began, "for a long-headed, sensible mountain-man you are plunging into more serious trouble than any chap of your size ever got into. I'm going to let you on to a thing that a fellow usually keeps quiet I'm going to do it because I feel that it is my Christian duty not to be a party to the great disaster you are on the brink of."

"Most likely they have had word from home," answered Dick. "It will make them feel pretty sore," said Sam. "Yes, it would make anybody feel sore," answered the oldest Rover. "We'll have to drive over and see, the first chance we get." When they met the girls the boys learned that they knew all about the affair. All were worried, and showed it. "This will upset mamma very much," said Dora.

"John Dennis." "You look like a man named Sam Baker. He disappeared about ten years ago from a little town upstate." "I am John Dennis." King shrugged. "Okay, you're John Dennis. All I want to do is stay on top of this thing and have the inside track when it breaks." "Brent Taber told you to forget about it." King did not like the odd feeling of helplessness that seemed to have a grip on him.

However, it was excusable, as any of my young readers will say if they consider that Harry had been up four hours, and out in the fresh air of the bright summer morning. "Now, boys," said the Squire, when the breakfast was over, "time flies. Harry, you tell Sam to bring the dog-cart round. Philip and Fred, you help me to get the jars and bottles into the hall."

"I have not the smallest doubt," answered Robin, "that He sent us to take care of you, and take you to your mother if that be possible. But tell me, little one, what is your name?" "Letta." "And your surname?" "My what!" exclaimed Letta, opening her large eyes to their widest, causing both Sam and Robin to laugh. "Your other name, dear," said Sam. "I have no other name.