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"Remembair," went on Monsieur Pierre, after a pause, feeling that he had a duty to fulfil and a responsibility to shift to other shoulders than his own, "remembair, eef you spill zee soup, I keel you. You carry zee tureen in, zen you deesh out zee soup, and sairve. Zee oystaires should be on zee table t'ree minutes before zee guests haf arrive'. Now, can you make zee American cocktail?"

"When I sailed to Rigy, Cornel," the first mate was speaking nor can any spelling nor combination of letters of which I am master, reproduce this gentleman's accent when he was talking his best "I racklackt they used always to sairve us a drem before denner. And as your frinds are kipping the denner, and as I've no watch to-night, I'll jist do as we used to do at Rigy.

I beckon him to bring it to me, and look among the limes for my precious plantain. "Señorita," says the Peruvian, breaking off a conversation with Mrs. Steele upon native dishes, "I haf here pineapple sairve vidth ice and sugar and vine; it is dthe most delicieux of all fruit. Allow me to raicommend you." And the waiter puts the tempting plate before me.

If I am to be your helpmeet, make me help." "You naidn't lift a finger, my darling. I don't afford and won't have a sairvant in the camp, so I should sairve you myself." Passing over this argument, Eva crept up on the stretcher and had him lift her to the ground.

They're the sweepings of the Thames and Wapping; and quite half of them would have been at Botany Bay before this, had they not been sent here." "Does the law about being in sight apply to the boats or to the ships, the day, Captain Lyon?" "To the boats, man; or who the de'il do you think would sairve in them!

"Ah!" said Pierre, striking a dramatic pose, a ladle in one hand and a pan in the other. "So you are zee new groom? Good! We make a butler out of you? Bah! Do you know zee difference between a broth and a soup? Eh?" The new groom gravely admitted that he did. "Hear to me!" and Pierre struck his chest with a ladle. "I teach you how to sairve; I, Pierre Flageot, will teach a hostler to be a butler!

"I carve zee meats," went on the amiable Pierre. "You haf nozzing to do wiz zee meats. You rest zee deesh on zee flat uf zee hand, so! Always sairve to zee right uf zee guest. Vatch zat i zay do not move vhile you sairve. You spill zee soup, and I keel you! To spill zee soup ees a crime. Now, take hold uf thees soup deesh." Warburton took it clumsily by the rim.

Bah!" "That is what I am sent here for." "Hear to me! If zay haf oysters, zay are placed on zee table before zee guests enter. V'la? Then zee soup. You sairve one deesh at a time. You do not carry all zee deeshes at once. And you take zee deesh, so!" illustrating. "Then you wait till zay push aside zee soup deesh. Then you carry zem away. V'la?" Warjburton signified that he understood.