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I think one of the ushers, at the afternoon performance, told an old colonel that he must move along quicker, when the colonel began to talk back, and say, "Who is you talkin' too, sah?"

He hurried to the negro owner, who was lolling on the verandah. "I want to go to Buff Bay," he said. "How soon can you get me there?" "De road ain' none too good, Sah," the Jamaican answered, "your bes' way is to take de train f'm Spanish Town. Dat'll land you right in Buff Bay." "I don't want to," answered Stuart, making up the first excuse that came to mind, "I get train-sick.

They would be foolish to allow a scruple to stand in the way. Besides, even as it was, they stood to run up against trouble below, from a shortage of provisions. So Maurice went ashore, and, seeking the store, was cordially greeted by the proprietor. "Made up yuh mind tuh trade with me, sah?" asked Mr. Stallings, as he thrust out his lean brown hand in greeting. "We have up to five dollars.

In a surprisingly short time he was in the studio building, facing the man Sam had called Henry, a yawning night elevator man who regarded him and his questions with a pessimism partly due to the lack of sleep and fatigue. These combined influences led him to make short work of getting rid of this unkempt and unseasonable caller. "No, sah," he said.

I came here for a rest, and I don't want to run into another diamond cross mystery, or anything like it." "No, sah, Colonel. But yo' suah did elucidate dat one most expeditious like. I nevah saw sech " "That will do now, Shag. I don't want to be reminded of it. I came here to fish, not to work, nor hold any post-mortems on past cases.

I feel always like touching the twip of me pwatent leather gaitaw just beneath the lowermost extreme of his spinal column, and elevating his dangling supporters a few feet in the air, before pwopelling him into the nearest guttaw." "A very unpleasant feeling, most certainly." "Vewy true, sah!"

But I'se ben pow'ful sorry eber sence dat I didn' let mars'r Mainwaring know 'bout it, 'case I has my 'spicions," and the old darkey shook his head, while the tears coursed down his furrowed cheeks. "How did you hear of Mr. Mainwaring's death?" asked the coroner. "De coachman, he done tole me, sah." "Why, the coachman stated that you told him what had occurred."

"My poor fellow," Vincent said kindly, "I am sorry to see you in such a state." A great sob broke from the black. "De Lord bless you, sah, for your goodness and for saving Dinah from de hands of dose debils! Now she safe wid you and de child, Tony no care bery much what come to him de sooner he dead de better.

He dodged here and there among them, but finally, in escaping a truck-load of baggage, he stumbled over the chain by which a gentleman was leading a dog, and plumped full into the arms of a white-headed negro who was close behind it. "Scuse me, sah!" began poor Clod, most politely.

The old negro's eyes, gleaming from under shaggy sheds of eyebrows, watched him, and he caught the words. "Is you a Fahfiel', boss?" he asked eagerly. "Is you my young Marse?" He jumped at the conclusion promptly. "You favors de fam'ly mightily, sah. I heard you was comin'"; the rag of a hat went off and he bowed low.