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The Kid made a trip to the bunk-house and pulled a gray blanket off Ole's bed, and spent a quarter of an hour rolling it as he had seen the boys roll blankets The oats box, with Silver standing beside it, came in handy again. He found a discarded rope and after much labor coiled it crudely and tied it beside the saddle-fork.

When he was gone, she caught Blue and saddled him; then, with her gun buckled around her hips and her rope coiled beside the saddle-fork, she rode dismally up the canyon. Wolverine canyon, with the sun shining down aslant into its depths, was a picturesque gash in the hills, wild enough in all conscience, but to the normal person not in the least degree gloomy.

Good Indian was conscious of a distinct disappointment, though he kept it from his voice when he answered: "Oh, it's you, Peppajee. What you do here? Why you no sleepum yo' wikiup?" Peppajee held up a slim, brown hand for silence, and afterward rested it upon the saddle-fork. "Yo' heap frien' Peaceful. Me heap frien' all same. Mebbyso we talk. Yo' get down.

Slipping the "nigh" rein through the saddle-fork, then back to the cheek-strap again, George snubbed Fox's head towards him, making it impossible for the horse to whirl to the "off" as before. Warily and quietly he then swung into the saddle and the two men set off.