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There were their blankets, there was the place where they had been, and on it, laid carefully in the form of a St. Andrew's cross by some unknown hand, shone two huge sacrificial knives such as the priests wore at their girdles. Sick and faint with fear he staggered back to the throne-room.

Had Miss Mackenzie been left to herself after the interview with Mr Ball: had she gone upstairs to sleep upon his proposal, without any disturbance to those visions of sacrificial duty which his plain statement had produced: had she been allowed to leave the house and think over it all without any other argument to her than those which he had used, I think that she would have accepted him.

The ordinary sacrificial animals were oxen, cows, goats, sheep, and lambs; swine were not offered, being regarded as unclean; but the stag was an acceptable victim, at any rate on certain occasions.

Thou shouldst go to the Horse-sacrifice of our king which comes off on the day of full moon of the month of Chaitra."" "Vaisampayana said, 'Having said these words, Partha set out, following the horse which wandered at its will. The sacrificial steed then turned towards the road that led to the city called after the elephant.

In three years there would be another festal occasion of two weeks' duration, at which a water-buffalo would again be sacrificed, and when a second period of three years has elapsed the final celebration of three weeks' duration will be given, with the same sacrificial offering. Thus the occasions are seen to be of increasing magnitude and the expenses in this case to be on a rising scale.

I have my desire to be fascinated, and fascination must be supplied to me in bodily shape by my country. She must have some visible symbol casting its spell upon my mind. I would make my country a Person, and call her Mother, Goddess, Durga for whom I would redden the earth with sacrificial offerings. I am human, not divine." Sandip Babu leapt to his feet with uplifted arms and shouted "Hurrah!"

There is a deep and anxious desire in men for the saving forces of sacrificial Christianity. The ideals of the New Testament concerning Gethsemane and Calvary are being thrust upon our attention by the upward strugglings of the people.

And, unless I err, in each case the sacrificial object was a woman, stripped to the skin, as white as you or I, and before they burned her they subjected her to every variety of outrage of which even the minds of demons could conceive.

The text 'from the seat of the Hotri he sets right the wrong Udgiha' shows that the meditation is necessarily required for the purpose of correcting whatever mistake may be made in the Udgitha. This also proves that the meditation is an integral part of the sacrificial performance. The text 'By means of that syllable the threefold knowledge proceeds.

A certain modern sentimentality demands that poverty be abolished ignoring those pregnant words of Jesus "the poor ye have always with you" forgetting, indeed, that human society is composed of unequal parts, even as the human body; that equality exists among the social members only in this: that all men have their origin in God the Creator, have sinned in Adam, and have been, by the sacrificial blood of God's only begotten Son, born of the Virgin Mary, equally redeemed into eternal life, if they will but accept Christ as their only true Saviour; forgetting indeed that to abolish poverty would at once prevent all manifestations of human nature's most beauteous trait and virtue Charity.