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"If you're the real little sport I think you are, you're going to lemme blow you to the liveliest Christmas a little queen like you ever seen. I didn't make that winnin' down in Atlanta for nothing. When I got the telegram I says to myself: 'Here goes! I'm goin' to make last Tuesday night look like a prayer-meeting, I am. Eh, Doll?" "I I can't, Jimmie. I 'S-s-s-s-h!"

It it would 'a' broke my heart to have her wake up to-morrow without one." He regarded her through the glaze of tears. "My little kiddo!" "S-s-s-s-h!" "It just don't seem fair for you to have to " "'S-s-s-s-h! Everything's fair, darlin', in love and war. All the rules for the game of living ain't written down the Eleventh Commandment and the Twelfth Commandment and the Ninth Commandment."

"'S-s-s-s-h! Honest, Harry, it's fun being back in the store again till you get well honest!" "I never ought to let you done it in the beginning, darlin'. Remember that night, even when I was strong enough to move a ox team, I told you there was bum lungs 'way back somewhere in my family? I never ought to let you take a chance, Vi-dee I never ought!" "'S-s-s-s-h!

I I'm tired, darlin', darlin', but don't look like that, darlin'. I got news I got news." "S-s-s-s-h, baby, you're all hysterical from overwork and all tired out from worry. There ain't no need to worry, baby. Quigley'll say it can go over another week. She ain't dunning for board, she ain't, baby." "I oh I " "Shaking all over, baby, just like you got the horrors!

She ran her hands over his face, as if to reassure herself of his very features, nor would she let him read into her streaming eyes. "Lay quiet, Harry darlin'; it's all right! Oh, my darlin'!" "'S-s-s-s-h, Vi dear! Sure it's all right. 'S-s-s-s-h! Don't cry, Vi!" "I I-oh oh " "'S-s-s-s-h, darlin'! Don't!" "I oh, I can't help it; but I ain't cryin', Harry, I ain't!"

I just can't stand it!" "'S-s-s-s-h! Easy, just like that he gimme it, darlin'." "And me lying here hatin' him for a skinflint and his store for a bloodsucker and the Aid Society for a fake!" "Yes, yes, darlin'." "I feel new already, Vi. I can feel the sun already shining through me. If he was here, I I could just kiss his hand; that's how it feels for a fellow to get his nerve back.