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'And again: "Ces braves gens qui, pour peu qu'ils aient lu un ou deux livres de mythologie et d'anthropologie, et un ou deux recits de voyages, ne manqueront pas de se mettre a comparer a tort et a travers, et pour tout resultat produiront la confusion."

Dezobry's Rome au siècle d'Auguste, Augustin Thierry's Récits mérovingiens, and other "pictures" produced at the same epoch were constructed on the same principle, and are subject to the same drawbacks as the historical novels properly so-called. We may summarise what precedes by saying that, up to about 1850, history continued to be, both for historians and the public, a branch of literature.

Apparently his birth took place elsewhere than in Paris, for it is not recorded with those of Henri de Buade's other children, on the register of St. Colonel Jal says: "On concoit que j'ai pu etre tente de connaitre ce qu'il y a de vrai dans les recits de Saint-Simon et de Tallemant des Reaux; voici ce qu'apres bien des recherches, j'ai pu apprendre. Mlle.

This is what Augustin Thierry did in the case of his Récits mérovingiens. When facts are known in detail, it is always easy to reduce them to a greater degree of generality by suppressing characteristic details; this is what is done by the authors of abridgements.

In 1875 appeared also 'Olivier', followed by 'L'Exilee ; Recits et Elegies ; Vingt Contes Nouveaux ; and Toute une Jeunesse', mainly an autobiography, crowned by acclaim by the Academy. 'Le Coupable' was published in 1897.

The lieutenant having refreshed his memory by reference to Flammarion's Recits de l'Infini, of which he had a Russian translation, and some other books, proceeded to recapitulate that Jupiter accomplishes his revolution round the sun in 4,332 days 14 hours and 2 minutes; that he travels at the rate of 467 miles a minute along an orbit measuring 2,976 millions of miles; and that his rotation on his axis occupies only 9 hours and 55 minutes.