United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The night suddenly turned off swelteringly hot; perspiration began to trickle down his brow, his collar became a tourniquet, and he cast appealing glances at the silent figure hidden demurely behind the rustly old lady in the black harness.

"Only the mother and daughter," Mary answered. "Mrs. Sheridan is dumpy and rustly; and Miss Sheridan is pretty and pushing dresses by the fashion magazines and talks about New York people that have their pictures in 'em. She tutors the mother, but not very successfully partly because her own foundation is too flimsy and partly because she began too late.

She had brown eyes, hair like silk, and she always had three best dresses. There was one of alpaca or woollen, of black, gray or brown, and two silks. Always there was a fine rustly black one with a bonnet and mantle to match, and then a softer, finer one of either gold brown, like her hair, or dainty gray, like a dove's wing.

"I'll send Jake Collins a ball and Peter a pocket-knife," said Pat, "or would Jake rather have a knife, too?" "Mrs. Collins shall have a silk dress," said Miss Drayton. "Oo-ee! That will be glorious," exclaimed Anne. "Let it be the rustly kind. And red. She loves red." "Mr. Collins shall have an umbrella with a gorgeous silver handle," said Mr. Patterson. "That will be silk.

Must it be rustly and red, too?" Anne laughed. "Lizzie would just love a pink parasol," she said. "And I know what Aunt Charity would like a pair of big, gold-rimmed spectacles. I heard her say she'd rather have them than anything else in the world." "Is her eyesight very bad?" asked Miss Drayton. "Why I don't know. I reckon not." Anne looked puzzled. "Oh! she just wants them for dress-up.

It was a rustly day, a scarlet and buff, yellow and carmine, bronze and crimson day. There were still many leaves on the oaks and maples, making a goodly show of red and brown and gold. The air was like sparkling cider, and every field had its heaps of yellow and russet good things to eat, all ready for the barns, the mills, and the markets.

She was French, from Virginia, and she talked like little tinkly notes of music. I just loved to hear her, and she walked like high-up royalty. Her dress was always black, with white bands at the neck and sleeves, black rustly silk, and her eyes and hair were like the dress.