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Meanwhile, Simon took his foot-bath, and while he did so, his wicked, malicious eyes now fell upon his wife, who had once been so cheerful and resolute, and who now had grown so sad and broken, now upon the boy, who, since yesterday, when his canaries had been taken from him, had spoken not a word, or made a sound, and who sat motionless upon the rush-chair, folding his hands in his lap, and gazing at the place where his dead bird lay yesterday.

So go, I will go up to the platform with the boy, and wait there for your return." He called the little Louis Charles, who was sitting on the tottering rush-chair in his room, and anxiously waiting to see whether "his master" was going to take him that day out of the dismal, dark prison. "Come, little Capet," cried Simon, pushing the door open with his foot " come, we will go up on the platform.

"Louis, too, may go," she said. "Come, dear boy." We were very welcome, and found Miss Harris seated in the old rush-chair before the fire-place. She was exactly Clara's size, and when the two came together, Clara said, "We are sisters surely." But afterward, as they sat side by side, I could see such a difference.

The boy obeyed the command, slowly crept into the room, and sat down in the rush-chair in the corner. "He shall not look at me," shrieked Jeanne Marie; "he shall not look into my heart with his dreadful blue eyes, it hurts me oh! so much, so much!" "Turn around, you viper!" said Simon. "Look round this way again, or I'll tear your eyes out of your head!

He then moderated his pace, and went quietly into a toy- shop, whose attractive windows and open door were directed to the street. The clerk, who stood behind the counter, asked, with a quiet air, what he desired. "First, allow me to sit down, citizen," answered the commissioner, as he sank upon the rush-chair which stood before the counter.

Here the captain sat down on the foot of the bed, and glancing at a dreadful libel on Kitty which ornamented the wall, the production of some wandering limner, whom the captain secretly admired as having studied portraiture from the figure- heads of ships, motioned to the young man to take the rush-chair on the other side of the small round table.