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The formal business of the evening being ended, they broke into groups, helped themselves to crackers and cheese, and lighted their pipes. A young man about Robert's age came and shook hands with him. "Did I understand correctly that you are Robert Walden from Rumford?" he asked. "That is my name, and I am from Rumford." "Then we are cousins; I am Tom Brandon."

Any one who will read the list of researches aided by the Rumford Fund, the Elizabeth Thompson Fund or the Bruce Fund of 1890 will see that the returns are out of all proportion to the money expended.

"Yes, ma; with Captain Johnson." "Oh," said the mother, with a toss of her head; and giving her daughter a significant push, she walked away with her to another end of the room, to talk about Sir Ralph Rumford, and his seven thousand pounds a-year. "Well!" thought I, "odd people these; let us enter a little farther into this savage country."

The principles to be applied are already clearly to hand, thanks largely to the technical workers with low temperatures. It remains now for the practical inventors to make the "application to the useful purposes of life." The technical scientists, ignoring the example which Rumford and a few others have set, have usually no concern with such uninteresting concerns.

Certain lines Rockney had written of late about Irish affairs recurred to Captain Con, and the political fires leaped in him; he sparkled and said: 'Let me beg you to pass the claret over to Mr. Rockney, Mr. Rumford; I warrant it for the circulating medium of amity, if he'll try it. "Tis the Comet Margaux, said Dr.

This width is determined by Count Rumford from numerous experiments, and comparing all circumstances, to be four inches. Therefore, supposing the breast of the chimney, or the wall above the mantle, to be nine inches thick, allowing four inches for the width of the throat, this will give thirteen inches for the depth of the fire-place.

The famous physicist Rumford was responsible for a very pretty experiment designed to demonstrate the low conductivity of air where heat other than radiant heat is concerned. The famous scientist surrounded a frozen cheese by a mass of foam consisting of well-beaten eggs. The whole was exposed to the heat of an oven.

Of the men we have noticed in the present connection, Young was the friend and confrere of Davy; Davy, the protege of Rumford; Faraday, the pupil of Davy; Fresnel, the co-worker with Arago; Colding, the confrere of Oersted; Joule, the pupil of Dalton. But Mayer is an isolated phenomenon one of the lone mountain-peak intellects of the century.

As it is difficult to obtain flue linings of exactly the desired area, it is better to select a size slightly larger, rather than one smaller, and so make sure of sufficient capacity under all weather conditions. Between the lintel of the fireplace and the point where the flue commences come the three structural features so stressed by Count Rumford.

But contemporary judgment, while it listened respectfully to Rumford, was little minded to accept his verdict. The cherished beliefs of a generation are not to be put down with a single blow. Where many minds have a similar drift, however, the first blow may precipitate a general conflict; and so it was here.