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By means of newly developed trade-routes, the East and the West were tapped for such products as tobacco, tea, coffee, cocoa, sugar, rum, spices, oranges, lemons, raisins, currants, silks, cotton, rice, and others with which England had previously somehow or other dispensed; and the principal bone of contention was the carrying trade of the world.

On that September evening it was stifling hot; and the odours from the men, and the spilled rum and tobacco smoke, well-nigh overpowered me. The room was filled with a motley gang of sailors, mostly from the bark Mr. Hood had come on, and some from H.M.S. Hawk, then lying in the harbour.

Sometimes they'd strike and demand a sixth. The Major always gave in to 'em. "The Major had a bungalow so close on the sea that the nine-inch tide seeped through the cracks in the kitchen floor. Me and him and High Jack Snakefeeder sat on the porch and drank rum from noon till midnight. He said he had piled up $300,000 in New Orleans banks, and High and me could stay with him forever if we would.

"Good, is it? There's a tin of soup, and another of salmon, besides a piece of seal, that Leeks shot while we were away. "Then there is a bottle of wine that's for yerselves and the sick man and half a bottle of good rum, which I hope I may have my share in. "Faith, there is enough to make us as merry and comfortable as if we were waking the dead man below there."

As long as the Negroes are decently loyal and peaceable, and do not murder their magistrates and drink their brains mixed with rum, nor send delegates to the President of Hayti to ask if he will assist them, in case of a general rising, to exterminate the whites tricks which the harmless Negroes of Trinidad, to do them justice, never have played, or had a thought of playing we must remember that we are very seriously in debt to the Negro, and must allow him to take out instalments of his debt, now and then, in his own fashion.

If she ain't I'll go up and give her a surprise." "I'll call her, if you give me a chance." "No, no, you needn't. No 'special hurry. She's waited for three years; cal'late ten minutes more won't hurt neither of us. Had your supper yet?" Daniel smiled grimly. "Not yet," he replied. "Then she'll be down to get it, of course. I shan't stop her; I'm empty as a rum bottle four days out of port.

I did it, but I guess I got hold of the wrong bottle of fumery. There was a label on the fumery bottle that said 'Jamaica Rum, and I thought it was the same as Bay Rum, and I put on a whole lot.

At a quarter past seven, any curious person looking through the window of Captain Blunt's cabin would have seen an unusual sight. That gallant commander was sitting on the bed-place, with a glass of rum and water in his hand, and the handsome waiting-maid of Mrs. Vickers was seated on a stool by his side. At a first glance it was perceptible that the captain was very drunk.

The man carefully drew the cork of a bottle, poured out its contents with the discrimination of a bartender, handed the glass to his visitor with a bow, helped himself to a measure of rum, and bowed again as he drank. "My best respects to you, guv'nor," he said. "Glad to see you in Hobkin's Hole Castle that's here. Queer place for gentlemen to meet in, ain't it? Who are you talking to, says you?

There were two principal dangers dreaded by Great Britain. The West India plantation industry had depended upon the continental colonies for food supplies, and to a considerable extent also financially; because these alone were the consumers of one important product rum.