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"I guess," Eva sagely surmised; "I guess rubber-neck-boat-birds rides even ain't fer us on holidays. But I don't know do I need rides on birds what hollers." "You'll be all right," Patrick assured her. "I'm goin' to let ye hold me hand. If ye can't go on Saturday, I'll take ye on Sunday next Sunday. Yous all must meet me here on the school steps. Bring yer money and bring yer lunch too.

And upon its softly quivering surface floated the rubber-neck-boat-birds, white and sweetly silent instead of red and screaming and the superlative length and arched beauty of their necks surpassed the wildest of Ikey Borrachsohn's descriptions.

"We ain't seen the rubber-neck-boat-birds," he complained. "Und we ain't had no rides on nothings." "You don't know what is polite," cried Eva, greatly shocked at his carping spirit in the presence of a hard-worked host. "You could to think shame over how you says somethings like that on a party." "This ain't no party," Ignatius Aloysius retorted. "It's a 'scursion.

Mary's Sunday-school, when he saw that the red silk was attracting nearly all the attention of his female contingent. If Eva admired flaunting ties it were well that she should say so now. There was yet time to spare himself the agony of riding on rubber-neck-boat-birds with one whose interest wandered from brass buttons.

Boys could to have fraids too," cried Isaac; and then spurred on by the calm of his rival, he added: "The rubber-neck-boat-birds they hollers somethin' fierce." "I wouldn't be afraid of them. Me pop's a cop," cried Patrick stoutly. "I'd just as lief set on 'em. I'd like to." "Ah, but you ain't seen 'em, und you ain't heard 'em holler," Isaac retorted. "Well, I'm goin' to.

I likes we should live here all the time." "Well," began Ignatius Aloysius Diamantstein, in slight disparagement of his rival's powers as a cicerone; "well, I ain't seen no lions, nor no rubber-neck-boat-birds. Und we ain't had no rides on nothings. Und I ain't heard no hollers neither."

Then Ignatius Aloysius, the exacting, remembered garrulously that he had as yet seen nothing of the rubber-neck-boat-birds and suggested that they were even now graciously "hollering like an'thing" in some remote fastness of the park. So Patrick gave commands and the march was resumed with bliss now beaming on all the faces so lately clouded.

And a very small girl she was, with a softly gentle voice and darkly gentle eyes fixed pleadingly now upon the bard. "Yes," answered Isaac grudgingly; "sooner they sets by somebody's side little girls could to go. But sooner nobody holds them by the hand they could to have fraids over the rubber-neck-boat-birds und the water-lake, und the fishes."