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"Boys, wouldn't you like to go to Brill College?" asked their father one day. "That's a fine institution not quite so large as some but just as good." And he smiled in a peculiar manner. "Brill? Where is that?" asked Dick. "It is near the town of Ashton, about two miles from Hope Seminary, the school Dora Stanhope and the Laning girls are going to attend." And Mr. Rover smiled again.

From the room came a murmur of voices, and without speaking further the detective motioned for the Rover boys to join him beside the window. Although the slatted shutter was up, evidently the glass of the window had been let down its full length, for those outside could hear what was said within with ease. "That proposition is all right as far as it goes," they heard, in Jesse Pelter's voice.

Obliging little boys almost always find that those they live with, are obliging too; while quarrelsome boys usually find it their fortune to fall among quarrelsome companions; for good temper and bad temper are both contagious and infect all those who come in contact with them. On bright, cold winter mornings, after eating his nice breakfast, Rover would scamper off to school with Arthur.

"I know the law," said I. "Farmer Snider can not lease the highway of yonder river where the Sea Rover passes. But I know also the law of the wilderness. One trapper does not intrude on another who has first located his country. We will pass on to-morrow. Meantime, if you don't mind, we will go with you to your camp and see how you do your work. Please forget that we have had any trouble.

They did, indeed, very frequently make game of and banter me, but not unkindly; and I overheard them sometimes saying that Ralph Rover was a "queer, old-fashioned fellow." This, I must confess, surprised me much, and I pondered the saying long, but could come at no satisfactory conclusion as to that wherein my old-fashionedness lay.

"We'll have to keep our eyes open, Aleck," answered the youth; and then the subject was changed. During those days the boys went fishing and bathing in the river, and also visited Humpback Falls, that spot where Sam had had such a thrilling adventure, as related in "The Rover Boys at School." "What a lot has happened since those days," said Sam, taking a deep breath.

"You needn't think you're king-pin of the punching bag," went on the tall boy, who had lost control of his temper because of the exhibition. "Thank you, Flapp, what I think and what I don't think isn't any of your business." "Pooh! I've heard about you and your two brothers, Dick Rover. They tell all sorts of stories about you, but I don't believe the half of them."

Mrs Wyllys, accompanied by Gertrude, stood nigh, thoughtful, as usual, but permitting no occurrence of the slightest moment to escape her vigilance. "We are ready to gather way on the ship," said Wilder; "we wait merely for the course." The Rover started, and drew closer to his subordinate before he gave an answer. Then, looking him full and intently in the eye, he demanded,

"Many a time she sat there with our sister, the smell of the wallflower on the sill about her, and many a time she sang 'The Rover' in this room. In this very room, Dugald: isn't every word I'm saying true? Of course it is. God! as if a dream could be so fine! Well, well! my brother, who sits there all bye with such affairs, went away on another war. She was vexed.

"I know that, Aleck, but they won't come back right away. Evidently they are returning to their vessel to get that Spaniard, Doranez." "I'd like to have punched Merrick's head for tying me up," growled Tom. "It will be punishment enough for him if we get the treasure," answered Mr. Rover. "If we do." "You are not ready to give up yet, are you, Tom?" "Oh, no.