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My family, said he, 'is, and has long been ever since the Gunpowder Plot firmly, if not passionately, attached to the Church of England. The Prince of Scalastro is a Catholic. 'Had we a closer acquaintance with the parties concerned! murmured Logan. 'You must come and visit us at Rookchester, said the Earl.

The Earl then shook hands and departed, obviously somewhat easier in his mind. This remarkable conversation was duly reported by Logan to Merton. 'What are we to do next? asked Logan. 'Why you can do nothing but reconnoitre. Go down to Rookchester. It is in Northumberland, on the Coquet a pretty place, but there is no fishing just now. Then we must ask Lord Embleton to meet Miss Willoughby.

'You go down to Rookchester as a kinswoman and a guest, you understand, and to do the business of the manuscripts. 'Oh, I shall rather like that than otherwise, said Miss Willoughby, smiling.

'Take care of yourself at Rookchester, Merton went on, 'or the Disentangler may be entangled. 'I am not a viscount and I am not an earl, said Logan, with a reminiscence of an old popular song, 'nor I am not a prince, but a shade or two wuss; and I think that Miss Willoughby will find other marks for the artillery of her eyes. 'We shall have news of it, said Merton.

'Yes, she is a daughter of the last squire. 'Ruined in the modern race for wealth, like so many! exclaimed the peer, and he sat in silence, deeply moved; his lips formed a name familiar to Law Courts. 'Excuse my emotion, Mr. Logan, he went on. 'I shall be happy to see and arrange with this lady, who, I trust will, as my cousin, accept my hospitality at Rookchester.

'That is curious, said Logan. 'Very, said the Earl. 'But as I expect the Prince and his confessor at Rookchester, where I hope you will join us, we may perhaps find out the reasons which actuate that no doubt respectable person.

It was Scremerston, dead, in his night dress: poor plucky little Scremerston. Afterwards, before the trial, the Prince told Logan how matters had befallen. 'I was wakened, he said 'you were very late, you know, and we had all gone to bed I was wakened by a banging door. If you remember, I told you all, on the night of your arrival at Rookchester, how I hated that sound.

II. The Affair of the Jesuit Trains do not stop at the little Rookchester station except when the high and puissant prince the Earl of Embleton or his visitors, or his ministers, servants, solicitors, and agents of all kinds, are bound for that haven.

Why, she is, as the modern poet says, "a sight to make an old man young." He then asked Logan to acquaint Merton with the new and favourable aspect of his affairs, and, after fixing Logan's visit to Rookchester for the same date as Miss Willoughby's, he went off with a juvenile alertness. 'I say, said Logan, 'I don't know what will come of this, but something will come of it.