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Techniques are better now, but there probably isn't enough good ore here to make new operations worth the expense of getting it out." "Look ahead," Scotty said. Rick had been examining the wall of the tunnel. He turned and looked to where Scotty pointed, and his heart sank. It was another rockslide. "Funny," Scotty commented. "The tunnel goes uphill to the slide." Rick saw that his pal was right.

New assistants were flown to her as the old ones wandered down the great rockslide from the old stone weatherhouse off into the Grass during fits of despondency, went mad from the realization that, except for problematical survivors on the polar caps, they were alone in an abandoned hemisphere, or died of simple homesickness.

"Think the dust has settled?" he asked. "Could be. Suppose we go take a look. I'll use my light. Save yours." They followed the yellow beam of Scotty's flashlight through the dark tunnel to the rockfall. There was still plenty of dust in the air, but it was bearable. Scotty flashed his light on the timbers, then on the rockslide.

In the mad rush were clerks who had never seen 'float, English school-teachers whose only knowledge of gold was that it was yellow, and dance-hall girls with very little possession of anything on earth but recklessness and slippers; and the recklessness and the slippers danced them into Cariboo, while many a solemn wight went to his death in rockslide or rapids.