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"A lady once asked me if I did not think Walter Scott's Rock-a-by was a 'sweet thing. At first I supposed she was alluding to some cradle-song with which I was not familiar, and it was sometime before I discovered that she meant Rokeby." "I have often been puzzled myself with the names of books," said Aunt Faith. "Years ago there was a book published called Ivar or the Skujts-boy?

"Oo" said Allan, pointing with his chubby finger, "yook, yook! mother's sitting on favver's knee-rock-a-by, favver, rock-a-by!" But Ralph had no eyes for anything but the old sunbonnet in which, the piquant flower face of Mistress Five-year-old Winifred was all but lost. He stooped and kissed it, and the face under it. It was frayed and faded, and it had lost both strings.

Then Mother Nature called her helpers again and told them to search for the lilies, and dress them in white robes for Easter. And so each beautiful flower came again and the birds sang once more, and the children were glad that spring had come again. The little helpers had done their work well, and were happy and every one thanked God for the spring. Rock-A-By Baby

"I learn where the body lies, and that on the following day there is to be a burial at sea. I am admitted to the room where stretches mortal remnant of once complex, interwoven humanity. "Odd fancies flit across my visual camera. Does that enfranchised soul look down from far observatory height at wave-rocked ship like mature manhood on baby rock-a-by?

But Shiela recited very gravely: "Father's in Manhattan town, Hunting up our money; Philip's in the music-room, Calling Cis his honey; Cissy's sprinting through the hall, Trying to be funny " "I won't dance!" cried Cecile. But they sang insultingly: "Rock-a-by Cissy! Philip will slop! Cissy is angry, For Philip won't stop."

When old Throng the trader, trembling with sickness and misery, got on his knees to Captain Halby and groaned, "She didn't want to go; they dragged her off; you'll fetch her back, won't ye? she always had a fancy for you, cap'n," Pierre shrugged a shoulder and said: "But you stole her when she was in her rock-a-by, my Throng you and your Manette."

Oh! you were under good discipline, and as you went fluttering up and down the room in your undress uniform, you not only prattled undignified baby-talk, but even tuned up your martial voices and tried to sing! "Rock-a-by baby in the treetop," for instance. What a spectacle for an Army of the Tennessee!

When old Throng the trader, trembling with sickness and misery, got on his knees to Captain Halby and groaned, "She didn't want to go; they dragged her off; you'll fetch her back, won't ye? she always had a fancy for you, cap'n," Pierre shrugged a shoulder and said: "But you stole her when she was in her rock-a-by, my Throng you and your Manette."

"Rock-a-by baby in the tree top, When the wind blows the cradle will rock." Helena was playing with her dolls under the Maple tree in the garden. It was the first warm day of spring, and the little girl was glad to be out of doors again, and to rock her babies to sleep on one of the low branches.

The slow swaying of the wagon over smooth, sandy stretches made a rock-a-by movement that would lull them off to dreamland and make them forget the weary way. When we left the lower crossing, the mother and baby were placed in a small wagon. A sprightly yoke of oxen was hitched to it that they might get an early start and keep out of the dust.