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The horse was black, and shone like satin; he pawed the ground with dainty, cat-like tread; the ring-master followed him as he went, and cracked his whip in encouraging fashion. Viva planted one foot on Pixie's toe, and jumped up and down to attract attention. "Is the gentleman really angry, that he cracks his whip? Does he pitend to be angry?

I heard what you and Joe were saying, Jim, and I couldn't help speaking as I did. I know Joe can stay under water more than three minutes." "How?" asked the ring-master. He seemed dazed by the way things were happening. "How do you know, Helen?" "I timed him I held the watch on him, as you call it." "That's what she did," confirmed Joe.

Strong will now show you how long it is possible for him to stay under water," announced the ring-master, "and if any of you think it is an easy thing to do, just take out your watches and time him, holding your own breaths as long as does the boy fish. We challenge the world to produce his equal!"

None of them were hurt and the little dogs ran around stepping on their silk petticoats and getting their hats askew, they enjoying the upset by barking and making all the noise they could. "Well, boys, you want to do it better at the regular performance," said the ring-master, as the animals were led from the ring. What Billy Did on Wednesday

"Oh yes, he does," cried Reddy, who was practising for his duties as ring-master, anxious that his education should advance as fast as the horse's did; "he's got so he knows enough to turn out for that second knoll, though he does stumble a little over the first one."

But, after all, a paper chapeau, with a panache of slitted paper, was no bad soldier-hat; it went far to constitute a whole uniform; and it was this that the boys devolved upon at last. It was the only company they ever really got together, for everybody wanted to be captain and lieutenant, just as they wanted to be clown and ring-master in a circus.

Jim Tracy hurried out to the main tent, where he knew the crowd would be waiting for the rest of the tank act. The ring-master signaled to the band that he was going to say something. The music stopped. "Ladies and gentlemen," began Jim Tracy, "there has been a slight mishap to Mr.

"I think I'd better not," was the answer. "Something might go wrong, and it would queer me, I think. Wait a few days. I want to get her used to the tent, the crowds and the lights. You see, she has only worked in theatres up to the present time." "Well, maybe you're right," agreed the ring-master. So that afternoon Joe did his usual tank act, with the goldfish placed in the big glass box.

Now he was propped up against the pillows playing with the paper circus his mother had brought to him the day before. His little cousin Harriett had come in yesterday to spend the afternoon with him, and together they had cut out the figures the clown, the ring-master, the pretty lady on the white horse, the acrobat on his coal-black steed, and all the rest.

The ring-master walked in and cracked his whip; the clown tumbled head over heels into the arena, and cried, "Here we are again!" the lady rider jumped through paper hoops, and blew kisses to the audience. Viva's cheeks grew a vivid pink, and at each change in the performance she adopted a change of position.