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Peg Barney that cleared out the Blue Lights' Jubilee meetin' wid the cook-room mop last year? "Thin I knew ut was a draf' av the Ould Rig'mint, an' I was conshumed wid sorrow for the bhoy that was in charge. We was harrd scrapin's at any time. Did I iver tell you how Horker Kelley wint into clink nakid as Phoebus Apollonius, wid the shirts av the Corp'ril an' file undher his arrum?

"I was throllied up six miles, all to get a shquint at that draf'. I knew 'twas a spring draf' goin' home, for there's no rig'mint hereabouts, more's the pity." "Praise the Virgin!" murmured Dinah Shadd. But Mulvaney did not hear.

"But Vulmea goes on: 'O'Hara will dhrop, an' by the time the light's lit again, there'll be some six av us on the chest av Mulvaney, cryin' murdher an' rape. Mulvaney's cot is near the ind door, an' the shmokin' rifle will be lyin' undher him whin we've knocked him over. We know, an' all the rig'mint knows, that Mulvaney has given O'Hara more lip than any man av us.

As I was sayin', afther that fight us av the Ould Rig'mint an' the Tyrone was all mixed together takin' shtock ay the dead, an' av coorse I wint about to find if there was any man that remimbered me. The second man I came acrost an' how I'd missed him in the fight I do not know was Larry, an' a fine man he looked, but oulder, by token that he had a call to be.

He'll get tired av findin' our kit foul an' our 'coutrements onproperly kep'. "'We will not let him go, sez they. "'Thin take him, sez I, 'an' a dashed poor yield you will get for your throuble. "'Is he not misconductin' himself wid Slimmy's wife? sez another. "'She's common to the rig'mint, sez I. 'Fwhat has made ye this partic'lar on a suddint?

He stud considherin' a long time, his hands in his pockets, an' at last he sez to me, 'Here's a double death from naturil causes, most naturil causes; an' in the presint state av affairs the rig'mint will be thankful for wan grave the less to dig.

But no! Ivry time it's like a girls' school meetin' a big red bull whin they're goin' to church; an' 'Mother av God, sez the Commissariat an' the railways an' the Barrick- masters, 'fwhat will we do now? The ordhers came to us av the Tyrone an' the Ould Rig'mint an' half a dozen more to go down, and there the ordhers stopped dumb.

Was there any wan in the Ould Rig'mint to touch Corp'ril Terence Mulvaney whin that same was turned out for sedukshin? I niver met him. Ivry woman that was not a witch was worth the runnin' afther in those days, an' ivry man was my dearest frind or I had stripped to him an' we knew which was the betther av the tu.

Noa, noa, we niver heered a wod more o' t' awd lass. Our rig'mint went to Pindi, an' t' Canteen Sargint he got himself another tyke insteead o' t' one 'at got lost so reg'lar, an' was lost for good at last. We're goin' 'ome, we're goin' 'ome Our ship is at the shore, An' you mus' pack your 'aversack, For we won't come back no more.

My commandin' orf'cer save his little soul! cud not see the beauty av of my strategims, an' whin the Ould Rig'mint crossed us, an' that was wanst a week, he'd throt off to Cruik, wid his big blue eyes as round as saucers, an' lay an information against me. I heard thim wanst talkin' through the tent-wall, an' I nearly laughed. "'He runs runs like a hare, sez the little orf'cer bhoy.