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What was Washington, what was Cromwell, what was Rienzi, what was, was, ; but never mind," said Ontario, who could not at the moment think of the name of his favourite Pole. "And you think as the men should be rebels again' the masters?" "That depends on who the masters are, Waddle." "What good 'd cum of it if I rebelled again' Mr.

Montreal was recalling with bitter resentment his conference with Rienzi; and, proud of his own sagacity and talent for scheming, he was humbled and vexed at the discovery that he had been duped by a wilier intriguer. His ambitious designs on Rome, too, were crossed, and even crushed for the moment, by the very means to which he had looked for their execution.

In a few hours Stefaneschi of Trastevere swept the nobles from the city; between noon and night Rienzi was master of Rome, and it was from the Capitol that the fierce edicts of both threatened destruction to the unready barons.

Whatever Rienzi's sins, whatever his unpopularity, their freedom, their laws, their republic, were at stake; and these they surrendered to one hundred and fifty hirelings! This is the fact that damns them! But Rienzi was not unpopular when he addressed and conjured them: they found no fault with him.

I feel quite confident that any unprejudiced friend, to whom you may show our last letters, will persuade you, in spite of your prejudice, that my humorous and playfully extravagant reproach referred only to your idea of my intended withdrawal of "Rienzi," and, generally speaking, to the expectation I had of D. and the whole slough of our German operatic theatres.

Even his idol and divinity, Schröder-Devrient, great artist though she was on the stage, played the very prima donna which is about as bad a thing as can be said of any woman off the stage so far as Rienzi was concerned.

From thence forward till the attainment of my professional independence, all my life's struggles could be directed entirely towards that more ideal aim which, from the time of the conception of my Rienzi, was to be my only guide through life.

They heeded not his words they saw him not depart; for as Rienzi, without a word, without a groan, fell to the earth, as the roaring waves of the multitude closed over him, a voice, shrill, sharp, and wild, was heard above all the clamour.

"God never made Genius to be envied!" interrupted Villani, with an energy that overcame his respect. "We envy not the sun, but rather the valleys that ripen beneath his beams." "Verily, if I be the sun," said Rienzi, with a bitter and melancholy smile, "I long for night, and come it will, to the human as to the celestial Pilgrim! Thank Heaven, at least, that our ambition cannot make us immortal!"

I do not marshal soldiers for gain only, though men have termed me avaricious nor butcher peasants for the love of blood, though men have called me cruel. Arms and wealth are the sinews of power; it is power that I desire; thou, bold Rienzi, strugglest thou not for the same?