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Just before the General left camp to-day, I received orders to report myself to General Asboth, for duty as Judge-Advocate of a Court-Martial to be held in his division. General Asboth was several miles behind us, and I set out to ride back and join him. After a gallop of half an hour across the prairie, I discovered that I had lost my way.

Those who possessed bicycles could ride, and the rest could walk a mile to Athelton village and catch the motor-omnibus which passed there. Everybody was satisfied with the arrangement, and the cyclists dispersed to oil their machines and pump tyres.

But our ride was not a long one before we reached Regla, the utmost limit of our journeyings, a distance of twelve miles from the "Real." Here the first salutation from the English gentleman at the head of the establishment was that breakfast was waiting, as it was now eleven o'clock, and we must not visit the works upon an empty stomach.

Duncan on the trail, and she's terribly afraid of a lot of things. If she even sees a big snake, I don't know what she'll do." "It won't take but a minute, and you can ride fast enough to make up for it. Please. I want to think of something fine for you, to make up a little for what you did for me that first day." Freckles looked in sheer wonderment into the beautiful face of the Angel.

Perhaps her smile gave him courage: he took her just below the shoulders and lifted her on to the saddle, saying as he did so, and in as matter-of-fact a voice as he could: "If you'll just put your hand on my shoulder, you'll find that you can ride quite safely though I expect you could do it without that I've seen you ride, you know."

Arrived there, another commission or two were remembered and had to be jotted down, upon which my father laughingly exclaimed, as I finally closed my notebook and slipped it into my pocket: "There, that will do, Ned; now you had better mount and ride, or you will not get away at all to-day.

Within the same half-hour a telegram was sent the Professor inviting him for a ride to Buffalo. Beyond that point there was no thought, merely a nebulous notion that might take form if everything went well. Hampered by no announcements, with no record to make or break, the trip was for pleasure, a mid-summer jaunt.

He remembered the days when he had been wont to slide him, in a brown holland suit, to and fro under the arch of his legs; the times when he ran beside the boy's pony, teaching him to ride; the day he first took him to school. He had been a loving, lovable little chap!

Nor do you vex me with silence when I would have you speak; nor with speech when I ride dreaming as I do, cousin, for hours and hours not sadly, but in the sweetest peace " Her voice died out like a June breeze; our horses, ear to ear moved on slowly in the fragrant silence.

My mind was disburthened of its various subjects of care which I had had to communicate to Mr. Thorold; and although I had not been able entirely to prevail with him, yet I had done all I could, and my conscience was clear. I let myself enjoy, and the ride was good. Mr. Thorold said we must have another; but I did not believe that feasible. However, it fell out so. Dr.