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Two of them may be noted here, for we shall have occasion to mention them again very soon; they are Atanasio Girardot and Antonio Ricaurte. Upon his approach to Merida, the royalists, numbering 1,000, left the city, and Bolivar took it on the 30th of May without any opposition. He was received with enthusiasm as the liberator of Venezuela.

Suddenly there was heard a terrific explosion, and, when the smoke had cleared, it could be seen that the house had been partially destroyed. Ricaurte had blown up the ammunition, and with it himself and the enemy. Thus Bolivar's army was saved. Boves, who had attacked thirty times, retreated immediately, leaving nearly 1,000 men dead on the field of battle.

The loss of the patriots had been as big, or bigger, than that of Boves, but success remained with them. Ricaurte took his place among men who, like Leonidas, deemed life of little value as compared with the salvation of their country.

All felt that the war material was lost. Ricaurte was known as a brave man, but he could do little with the very few men in his command. The young man had the wounded men taken down to the plain, then he ordered his own soldiers to follow, and he remained alone. The enemies continued to advance, and finally entered the house.

His measure of reprisal in this case can be considered as ferocious only by contrast with his previous clemency. The Heroic Death of Ricaurte. Victory of Carabobo and Defeat of La Puerta Boves had retreated from La Victoria, but after reorganizing his army he was again ready to attack. Bolivar had very few men, for the country was nearly exhausted.