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On his awakening he found himself wonderfully revived, and having a desire afresh to eat, finished the whole. He now wished for more, and inquired after the old woman, but none of his attendants could inform him where she lived.

In 1881 he seemed to apprehend the return to Westminster Abbey, after "Wisdom's too short reign," of Folly revived, re-furbish'd sophistries, And pullulating rites externe and vain. In the last autumn of his life he wrote to M. Fontanès a friend whose acquaintance he first made over St. Paul and Protestantism

But the profound melancholy which possessed him, from whatever cause it arose, necessarily chilled the native freedom of his demeanor, unless when it was revived by strength of friendship or of love. The effect was awkward and embarrassing to all parties.

"Will you be afraid all the rest of the night?" No; aunt Corinne intimated that her courage would be revived and strengthened by knowing the worst about that wagon. He pierced her with his dilating eyes, and beckoned her to put up her ear for the information.

He stood against a background where the Creator had opened out the universe; a spiritual influence went out from him; his sufferings were adopted as an example, and his transfiguration was the pledge of ever-lastingness. As a coal is revived by incense, so prayer revives the hopes of the heart.

Augusta Hughston and Miss Mary Elizabeth Pidgeon, six weeks each, the National Association paying salary and expenses and furnishing literature and printed petitions to members of the Legislature. Suffrage societies were revived, public officials, editors and ministers interviewed and much work was done.

He partly poured and partly spilt some of this beverage on Philip's face; some drops went through the pale and parted lips, and with a start the worn-out man revived. 'Bring him some victual, landlord, called out the recruiting sergeant. 'I'll stand shot. They brought some cold bacon and coarse oat-cake.

As you will see when you have read the biographical notice, my sister cannot thank you herself; she is gone out of your sphere and mine, and human blame and praise are nothing to her now. But to me, for her sake, they are something still; it revived me for many a day to find that, dead as she was, the work of her genius had at last met with worthy appreciation.

After giving an account of the residence of the family in France, she continues: "We returned to England, when I may say I first became acquainted with my brother for faint and imperfect were my recollections of him, as might be expected from my age. I saw him; and my childish attachment revived with double force.

He pulled himself together, stood up, and, reaching down a clothes-brush from its hook beside the door, walked over to the chimney-piece and to a small mirror that stood behind the clock. "Old enough to be her father." Again, as he caught sight of his face in the glass the smart revived; but again he expressed it, and fell to brushing his worn tunic with extreme care.