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'Why couldn't you have come to me? the chief engineer was living at my house all the time, said the priest, getting angry. 'I beg your Reverence's pardon; I couldn't have known that, and I shouldn't have dared to apply to your Reverence. 'Hm! And the Germans annoyed you? 'Oh dear, oh dear! haven't they been pestering me to sell them my land all along, and when the fire came I gave way....

With these prayers and these resolutions a calm complacency stole over him; he put his reverence's tract and George's letter in his bosom and came down into the kitchen. The first person he met was the housemaid, Jenny. "Oh, here is my lord!" cried she. "Where were you last night?" Robinson stammered out, "Nowhere in particular. Why?"

"Here, Briney," said Father Philemy, handing him his tumbler, "take a pull of this and if you have any courage at all in you it will raise it; take a good pull." Briney hesitated. "Why, but you take the glass out of his Reverence's hand, sarrah," said the father "what! is it without dhrinking his Reverence's health first?"

In that written by Father Francisco de Otaco to Father Ramon, he says: "I will not fail to inform your Reverence in a special letter, of the two mutes whom your Reverence catechized, and whom I baptized on the day following your Reverence's departure.

And so the maid with the eyes is not his reverence's servant? What is she?" Haward took the golden horseshoe in his own hand, and fell to studying it in the firelight.

She looked up at him, and strove to catch his reverence's eye, as he still sate in his pulpit; she greeted him with a little wave of the hand and flutter of her handkerchief. He scarcely seemed to note the compliment; his face was pale, his eyes were looking yonder, towards the font, where those Hebrews still remained.

Nor was his Reverence's own voice the first to subside into that gravity which became the solemnity of the occasion; or even whilst he continued the interrogatories, his eye was laughing at the conceit with which it was evident the inner man was not competent to grapple.

Expressing my deep sense of the Christian-like forbearance of the party, I pleaded fatigue, and bidding him good night, adjourned to my bed-room; and here, although the arrangements fell somewhat short of the luxurious ones appertaining to my late apartment at Callonby, they were most grateful at the moment; and having "addressed myself to slumber," fell fast asleep, and only awoke late on the following morning to wonder where I was: from any doubts as to which I was speedily relieved by the entrance of the priest's bare-footed "colleen," to deposit on my table a bottle of soda water, and announce breakfast, with his reverence's compliments.

Father McCormack tried feebly to put off the evil hour. "To-morrow, Thady, to-morrow," he said. "There isn't time now. It's half-past eleven, and the Lord-Lieutenant may be here any minute." "Begging your reverence's pardon," said Gallagher firmly, "but to-morrow will be too late.

When he was tackled about this flagrant disrespect by his pastor, Mick replied unblushingly, 'Sure, I didn't lave durin' the mass, your Reverence: 'twas all over but a thing of nothing. 'What do you mean by that? asked his Reverence severely. 'Sure, your Reverence's sermon, I mane, what else? responded Mick. Mick could be violent too in his cups, but somehow even his violence was humorous.