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I would relieve you of all your little troublesome jobs; I would clean your retorts; I would put labels on your bottles and jars; I would sweep out your laboratory. I know German very well I would read all the large German books it might please you to consult; I would read them, pen in hand; I would make extracts written extracts and such extracts! Grand Dieu! they would be like copperplate.

"Which one?" demands Trueman. "They say Mete killed German Purdy," is the response. "And a hundred men within call of us will tell you that Gorman Purdy killed fifty men in his time," retorts a bystander. These words, so bitter yet so just, would be cruel indeed for the ears of Ethel Purdy; but she has lapsed into semi-consciousness.

I have a great and reasonable hope. Perhaps I have gained everything I really desired. I could tell you the strangest story, but there a scruple does interpose. If we live another twenty years but now I can only talk about myself. 'And this hope of which you speak, said Earwaker, with a grave smile, 'points you at present to sober work among your retorts and test-tubes? 'Yes, it does. 'Good.

"One day," he adds, "the Revolution will justify the Terror." To which Gauvain retorts thus: "Fear lest the Terror be the calumny of the Revolution. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, are dogmas of peace and harmony. Why give them an aspect of alarm? What do we seek? To win nations to the universal public. Then why inspire fright? Of what avail is intimidation?

Josephus retorts that, before he was appointed governor, Justus and the people of Tiberias had attacked the Greek cities of the Decapolis and the dominions of Agrippa, as was witnessed in the Commentaries of Vespasian. Not content with this crime, Justus had failed to surrender to the Romans till they appeared before Tiberias.

"Is that true about my mother?" he demands, blazing. "I'm not in the habit of lyin', Lord Beauvayse!" states Captain Bingo huffily. "Don't fly off like a lunatic, Bingo, old man. How did you find that out?" "Your cousin Townham told me." "Damn my cousin Townham for a dried-up, wiggy, pratin' little scandalmonger!" Captain Bingo retorts irately: "Damn him if you please; he's no friend of mine.

And you are my friend. 'Don't you get into a bad habit of boasting, retorts Durdles, with a grave cautionary nod. 'It'll grow upon you. 'You are out of temper, says Sapsea again; reddening, but again sinking to the company. 'I own to it, returns Durdles; 'I don't like liberties. Mr.

My father's steel doubtless will let itself be welded by me. Myself I will forge the sword!" And he falls to work. "If you had taken diligent pains to learn the art, it would now, of a truth, profit you," remarks Mime; "but you were always lazy at the lesson. What proper work can you do now?" "What the master cannot do," Siegfried aptly retorts, "the apprentice might, if he had always minded him?

The satire is so enormously exaggerated that it completely overshoots the mark, but perhaps this very exaggeration adds to the reader's merriment. The conversation in this story is often brilliant, full of unexpected quips and retorts delivered in a manner far more French than Russian.

"We call him the Lord Protector, and his friends here think he will be so." The debate was concluded, after another hour, by Hortensius, and Endymion was struck by the contrast between his first and second manner. Safe from reply, and reckless in his security, it is not easy to describe the audacity of his retorts, or the tumult of his eloquence.