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The survivors retired, however, only to join a fresh attack which was rallied and led by Pakenham himself. He died with his men, but once more British pluck attempted the impossible, and the Highland brigade was chosen to lead this forlorn hope.

The company some time after had retired, and I was talking with Madame de Saint-Simon, who had nearly finished undressing herself to go to bed, when a servant of Madame la Duchesse de Berry, who had formerly belonged to us, entered, all terrified.

As they loitered on the lawn, Henry the footman came out with a salver, and on it reposed a soiled note. Henry presented it with demure obsequiousness, then retired grinning furtively. "What is this a begging-letter? What a vile hand! Look, Lucy; did you ever? Why, it must be some pauper."

And for one very brief period of his life he had suffered himself to enter into the field of politics the only ambition common with men of equal rank. He showed talents that might have raised one so gifted by circumstance to any height, and then retired at once into his old habits and old system of pleasure.

It was late that night ere Sir Ralph retired to rest; before he did so he had determined on his future career. For years he had striven to wrest this document from the widow and now with it in his possession, he lost no time in putting into execution the plans he had for so long a time been maturing.

"Well, put it down, then, on the step outside the window." This was done, and we stood looking at it. "There, now, go away," he shouted. We retired, but still watched it. "Ho, ho! you are watching Teigue! go out of the room, now, or I won't take it." We went outside the door and returned, the glass was gone, and a moment after we heard him roaring and cursing frightfully.

Fearing that I had imprudently told him too much already, I finally left him and retired to my bunk. Next morning we arrived at Buenos Ayres, and cast anchor about two miles from shore, for that was as near the land as we could get.

At the end of the first quarter of a minute they would be out of bed, and you would be wondering where they picked up such expressions. Chapple murmured wordlessly in reply. He realised that his defence was a thin one. Mr. Seymour followed up his advantage. "You will write a hundred lines of Vergil," he said, "and if you are late again to-morrow I shall double them." Chapple retired.

That night Clara, dreading lest at the end of their interview they might return to her society, retired early to her chamber where she sat reading until a late hour, when she went to bed and found transient forgetfulness of trouble in sleep.

Imam Din shoeless, out of respect to the floors brought him his medicine, poured it drop by drop, and asked for orders. "Wait to take him to his cot when he grows weary," said his mother, and Imam Din retired into the shadow by the ancestral portraits. "Now what d'you expect to get out of your country?" the Infant asked, when our India laid aside we talked Adam's Africa. It roused him at once.