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In eo quoque loco intrauit post resurrectionem suam Dominus ianuis clausis ad discipulos dicens pax vobis, et agens alia, quae plenius Euangelica pandit Historia, ac tandem in die Pentecostes ijsdem spiritum sanctum in linguis igneis misit ibidem.

She leaned forwards a little to see what he was writing. 'You know enough Latin to read that, he said, as he gave the book back to her. She read the words aloud, with a puzzled expression. "Credo in resurrectionem mortuorum." She looked at him for some explanation. 'Yes, he said, answering her unspoken question. "I believe in the resurrection of the dead."

Thus we may repeat, and thrill to repeat, with new meaning, the old but still living words, Expecto resurrectionem mortuorum, et vitam venturi sæculi "I look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come."

After the Purification, until Holy Thursday the anthem is Ave regina coelorum, with versicle Dignare me ..., Da mihi, Oremus, Concedemisericors. From Holy Saturday until Saturday after Pentecost, the anthem is Regina coeli with versicle, Gaude... and response, Quia surrexit.... Oremus and prayer, Deus qui per resurrectionem.

Her guiding thought, the guiding thought which she did her best to make ours too, "the sentiment of the ideal life, which is none other than man's normal life as we shall one day know it," is in harmony with words and promises familiar to that sacred place where she lies. Exspectat resurrectionem mortuorum, et vitam venturi sæculi.

Quid ad æternitatem? This is the capital question. And the Creed ends with that phrase, resurrectionem mortuorum et vitam venturi sæculi the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.

Hoc templum non ducitur stare in eodem loco vbi templum Dei stetit in tempore Christi, quo post resurrectionem a Romanis destructo, istud longo post tempore Adrianus Imperator extruxit, sed non ad formam templi prioris: praedictum tamen excelsum in medio templi locum vocant Iudaei sanctum sanctorum.

Hear me now" and he bent down and kissed the feet of the image of the Saviour, and then raising his head fixed his eyes upon it "per adventum tuum, per nativitatem tuam, per baptismum et sanctum jejunium tuum, per crucem et passionem tuam, per mortem et sepulturam tuam, per sanctam resurrectionem tuam, et per admirabilem ascensionem tuam I am guilty, truly, of weakness and ignorance, and unintentional sin, but not of want of faithfulness to that whereunto thou hast called me."

Unde vita animæ Abrahæ non sufficeret ad hoc quod Abraham sit vivens, vel quod Deus Abraham sit Deus viventis: sed exigitur vita totius conjuncti, scilicet animæ et corporis, quæ quidem vita quamvis non esset in actu, quando verba proponebantur, erat tamen in ordine utriusque partis ad resurrectionem: unde Dominus per verba illa subtilissime et efficaciter resurrectionem profit.

Qui cum Patre et Filio simul adoratur et conglorificatur. Qui locutus est per prophetas. "Et unam Catholicam et Apostolicam Ecclesiam. Confiteor unum Baptisma in remissionem peccatorum. Et exspecto Resurrectionem mortuorum. Et vitam venturi saeculi. Amen." "Well done!" said several, enjoying the last word, as being the first and only one they had recognized.