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Dobbin pŠre may enjoy it as light and entertaining reading, but when the resurrecting angel shall stir the dust of young Theophilus with his foot, and sing out "get up, Dobbin," we think that sprightly youth will whimper three times for molasses gingerbread before he will signify an audible aspiration for the Bible.

Overall he believed that if a letter, an email, or a phone call were to come to him resurrecting the abstraction into a living being once more, he would help him. But without sleep he hardly knew anything about himself for sure he was like some piece of discarded trash bobbing superficially on weltering waves.

Susanna could hear her distinctly as she delightedly flung out the long words so dear to her soul and so difficult to dull little Jane and Mary: "Resurrecting, Soul-Inspiring, Regenerating Gospel Life, It leadeth away from all sin and strife."

They knew what a dollar would buy, but they were very sceptical in regard to the possibilities of resurrecting the oil business and giving any permanent value to these shares. These purchases continued over a period of years, during which many of the more important refineries at Cleveland were bought by the Standard Oil Company.

"Then Jesus grew up to be a man," continued my guide, "performing unheard-of wonders, such as treading the seas, giving sight, hearing and speech to the blind, the deaf and the dumb, converting water into wine, feeding the multitudes miraculously, predicting coming events and resurrecting the dead."

It is like resurrecting the dead; he exhumes them from their graves: There was G ; how distinctly he recalls the name and some incident in his school life, and that is all. There was B , a name only. There was R , and the memory of the career he had marked out for himself and his untimely death through a steamboat accident; but of his looks, his voice not a vestige!

In the comparatively small towns of the Middle Ages there were few strangers, and therefore very seldom were there unclaimed bodies. The difficulty was in the obtaining of dissecting material. We had the same difficulty in this country until about two generations ago, and the only way that bodies could be obtained regularly was by "resurrecting" them, as it was called, from graveyards.

'The evil that men do lives after them, The good is oft interred with their bones it is equally true, that by resurrecting the bones we may read the history of both the evil and the good." Henry W. Grady's Character Analyzed by an Expert. What a Study of the Mask and of Photograph Shows His Wonderful Brain and its Wonderful Capacity. Atlanta Constitution.

The railroad officials sent advertisements broadcast, and the local cure called to thank Brewster for resurrecting, as it were, the obscure saint. The expression of his gratitude was so mingled with flattery and appeal that Monty could not overlook the hint that a new altar piece had long been needed. The great day finally arrived, and no carnival could have been more bizarre or more successful.

"As the waves of the mighty ocean Gospel love we will circulate, And as we give, in due proportion, We of the heavenly life partake. Heavenly Life, Glorious Life, Resurrecting, Soul-Inspiring, Regenerating Gospel Life, It leadeth away from all sin and strife."