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But the agent shook his head, and his eyes still shone with their ironical light. "I'd say the prophet business petered out miser'bly nigh two thousand years ago. I wouldn't say this dogone prairie 'ud be the best place to start resurrectin' it. No, sir! There's too many chances for that seein' we're on a branch line. There's the track it might give way. You never can tell on a branch line.

But I'll jest tell you as a friend, that if you go resurrectin' any moh of them man slaughters I don't care if they're older'n the 'sassination of Garfield I'll hang you for bein' a plain damn fool." With this he uttered a loud guffaw, but once more grew sober and laid his hand on Dale's shoulder: "Don't you go killin' no moh fellers 'round heah! I do mean that!

We said then: 'Minnie's resurrectin' the black satin. You mark my words she'll be in church in it Sunday. It generally takes her about ten days to get it done. I was expectin' she'd give it another overhauling, for she ain't done nothin' to it for three months at least an' the styles have changed quite a little in that time.

But you needn't get red in the face and strain your biler just because I said that. I ain't finding fault with Heman; I'm only tellin' you. He's proud, as I said, and his wife " "She's dead this four year. What are you resurrectin' her for?" "Land! you're peppery as a West Injy omelet this mornin'. Let me alone till I've finished. His wife, when she was alive, she was proud, too.