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This good woman was, no more than Othello, of a disposition To make a life of jealousy And follow still the changes of the moon With fresh suspicions With her, as well as him, To be once in doubt, Was once to be resolvd she therefore ordered Jenny immediately to pack up her alls and begone, for that she was determined she should not sleep that night within her walls.

Twilbe needles; I am resolvd to meet her in revolt, Hug infidelity with as strong a faith As she can possible; and if mans mallice Can passe a womans, my dispight shall winne Preheminence. I will inquire out one By nature framd in scorne of bewty, and In your perfidious daughters presence give her That heart which she reiected. Lady.

No sooner had Your information disingagd my heart Of honoring your daughter, but amazd At the immensnesse of the benefit Your goodness had cast on me, I resolvd This way to show my gratitude. Lady. But dare you, Knowing the daughter vicious, entertaine Affection to the mother? Bon.

Now I well view his face did not we two At our last being in Plymouth in disguise, When there the King of England rode about To see the soldiers in their musterings And what their armes were, just before this fleet Sett out, did we not see him there? May be we did; I know not; if he were there 'tis now out of my memory. Enter Pike. Are you resolvd? Pike. Yes. To confesse? Pike.