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O'Brien; "do you dar to mintion them in the same day together?" "Why not," said the miser; "ay, an' on the same night, too?" "Upon my reputaytion, Mr. O'Donovan, you're extramely kind now be a little more so, and let us undherstand you," said the Bodagh. "Poor Una!" thought John, "all's lost; he will get himself kicked out to a certainty."

I am bewildered. After this, who should ever despair of the goodness of God, or think that the trial he sends but for a time is to last always?" "Bridget," said the gracious Bodagh, "we must have a glass of punch; an' upon my reputaytion, Oona, we'll drink to his speedy return."

I have known many a foolish creature to do what you are doing, when, if the truth was known, they could badly spare it; but, at any rate, wait till I deserve it; for, upon my reputaytion, I won't finger a testher of it sooner." He then withdrew, and left the other to finish his dinner as best he might.

But among ourselves I could bog him in a very short time; though I'd scorn to deprive the gintleman of his reputaytion or his place, even if he sent me a challenge of larnin' to-morrow, although he's too cute to venture on doing that hem, hem!"

"I am then, sir," replied Alick, who thought that by admitting the fact, he might the sooner bring matters between himself and the magistrate to a crisis. "What!" exclaimed the latter, "you admit your cowardice, do you? Well, upon my honor and reputaytion, Alick, I'm extremely surprised at you a young fellow like you and a coward!

If you are slow, however, you are sure, and I'll pledge my reputaytion aginst that of the great O'Flaherty himself, that you and your brinoge of a brother will both live to give a beautiful illustration of the celebrated race between the hare and the tortoise yet. Go to your sate wid impunity, and tell your dacent mother I was inquiring for her."