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No man of sense supposes, certainly, that the having lived in a log cabin is any further proof of qualification for the Presidency, than as it creates a presumption that any one who, rising from humble condition, or under unfavorable circumstances, has been able to attract a considerable degree of public attention, is possessed of reputable qualities, moral and intellectual.

In the midst of this congeries of dungeons, surrounded by clanking chains and weeping captives, stands the chair of the "Holy Father." Let us take a look into these prisons, as described to me by reputable and well-informed parties in Rome. These prisons are of three classes. The first class consists of cells of from seven to eight feet square.

The single offender, who is usually a reputable citizen who commits crime through passion or through great temptation, can usually best be dealt with outside of prison walls. The young single offender, if not properly handled, may be easily transformed into an habitual criminal.

At all events, he had made a special study of the wraiths and white ladies and banshees and bogies of all kinds whose sayings and doings and warnings are recorded in the annals of the Scottish nobility. In fact, he was acquainted with the habits of every reputable spook in the Scotch peerage.

More than once they had spoken together of Wildairs Hall, and those who rioted, and those who suffered, in it, and Roxholm had learned that, year by year the Gloucestershire baronet's living had grown wilder and more dissolute, until his mad follies had cut him off from the companionship of all reputable persons, and he spent his days in brutal sports, drink, and rough entertainment with a dozen men as little respected as himself.

"There, sir," he went on, dragging a bundle of newspaper clippings to the surface, "there is the world's opinion of the exposure. Rochester, Buffalo, Albany, Utica, Syracuse, Troy you'll find the comments of every important city in the state voiced by reputable journals; New York why, New York gave it three editorials, not one of them less than two sticks.

As truly deep-dyed villain could have hornswaggled him as readily as he could have flattered a pretty shop- girl. His fine success as a salesman lay in his geniality and the thoroughly reputable standing of his house. He bobbed about among men, a veritable bundle of enthusiasm-no power worthy the name of intellect, no thoughts worthy the adjectives noble, no feelings long continued in one strain.

"What is the meaning of this riot?" Probably not ten Indians in the throng could speak a dozen words of reputable English; probably not ten, however, failed to read his meaning. "Charging Bear is not here," suddenly spoke in deep guttural a grizzly Indian, who urged his pony forward.

All big concerns are not necessarily reputable in the sense you mean, but there is many a man to-day who holds his head high in the world, though the foundation of his business was stolen timber." Hippy uttered a low whistle of amazement. "Look there!" exclaimed Tom Gray late in the afternoon as they rode into a "cutting" from which the timber had been removed.

Though, as to 'reputable' however, I won't put you out further. You are wanted at the justice-room at three o'clock this afternoon. And don't fail, please." "Wanted at the justice-room!" retorted Afy. "I! What for?" "And must not fail, as I say," repeated Mr. Ebenezer. "You saw Levison taken up your old flame " Afy stamped her foot in indignant interruption.