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"In that case," declared Babson, playing his trump card, "it will be my unpleasant duty to commit you for contempt." There was a bustle of excitement about the reporters' table. Here was a story! "Very well," answered Miss Beekman proudly. "Do as you see fit, and as your own duty and conscience demand." The judge could not conceal his annoyance.

Jimmy, the veteran newspaperman, took this all for exactly what it was worth. He knew that most of it or all of it was "dope." The reporters had run out of facts and were having recourse to vague speculations. Strange too, Jimmy wondered that in a story so replete with color and glamour, that this should be the situation.

To add to the tumult, from time to time, an Englishman would climb on his chair and shout, "I am ashamed of Liverpool and my country," and the confusion would break out afresh. It took one hour to wear the voices out. When Beecher told the reporters that he would speak slowly so they could hear, and thus he could reach all England, the audience grew quieter.

I have been longing all the evening for the little garden at home. Yes, it will always be home to me. I am almost an alien. I would rather sell lemonade to poor reporters who had only twenty-five-cent pieces in their pockets than queen it over a people that do not interest me and with whom I have nothing in common."

Reporters are shrewd. And it might be quite serious for her to know that she was being followed and hounded now. She has had a shock." "The bump on the head, you mean?" "Worse than that. I think I'd better tell you since we are all in this thing together." Briefly she outlined the abortive adventure that had brought Io west, and its ugly outcome.

I've learned, since then, that American reporters, and especially those that meet the ships that come in to New York, have had cause to form impressions of their ain of a gude many famous folk that would no be sae flattering to those same folk as what they usually see written aboot themselves. Some of my best friends in America are those same reporters.

The severest censor of the press, however, would hardly declare now that "as to such a thing as impartial and independent criticism upon theatres in the present state of the relations between editors, reporters, managers, actors and actresses the thing is palpably out of the question," and if matters were really at the pass hinted, the press has certainly improved in fifty years, if one may judge from its present frank condemnations of plays and players.

Oakland was his own town, and the reporters nosed out scores of individuals who could supply information.

Reporters were busy writing accounts of meetings they had covered the previous night, and others were going out on assignments to police courts, to look up robberies, murders, suicides, and the hundred and one things that go to make up the news of the day. "How would you like to try your hand at politics?" asked Mr. Emberg of Larry, when they had finished their talk about the man at the hut.

If it cares for its own honor it will select reporters of bills that are not unworthy, and instruct them to support these with available arguments, as closely reasoned out as possible; the bill, discussed and adopted in full council, will show the measure of its capacity, the information it possesses and its common-sense.