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I told him I thought it was in the interest of the city to multiply means of transit, and asked him why he refused. He replied that he thought the Hummel gang had been offering money, and that he would vote against bribers." "He didn't have the face to say that?" shouted one of the listeners. "Yes." "Oi never!" said Dennis. "An' he workin' night an' day to get the Board to vote the rival road."

"If you hadn't won that race I think I should have cut you off in my will. I have got a reward here for Sam, too, and you tell him not to leave before he has seen me." Sam who also had heard the statement made no response until Fred eagerly turned to him and said, "You'll not leave, will you, Sam, without seeing my grandfather?" Sam smiled as he replied, "Probably not.

A drawn, helpless expression had crept into her eyes, making her appear like an old woman. Theodore got to his feet. "What's ridiculous?" he demanded, immediately on the defensive. "My wanting to be happy?" "Not that quite," replied the woman, "but surely you can't " "I can and I will!" exclaimed Theodore decidedly. "I couldn't be happy without her, and mother "

"You wish, I suppose, to hear me repeat, that such will undoubtedly be the result," said Harry, smiling again. "Perhaps I do," replied Mr. Ellsworth, in the same tone. "I suppose you are discerning enough to be aware that I have a rival in Mr. Stryker." "Stryker attentive to Elinor? It has not struck me; I had fancied him rather an admirer of Mrs. Creighton's." "Of Josephine?

"Then we'll be guilty of poor shooting, and have to try the second loaded torpedo," replied the naval officer. "If we miss with the second, then we'll have to contrive either to tow the scow, or to sink her somehow. If either of the loaded torpedoes fails to explode, we'll have to pick it up, at all hazards.

Then King Cuthbert beckoned the Princess Myrtle to him and said: "I see that you have put on dancing-slippers. With whom will you dance?" "With myself, Sire, should I have no partner," she replied smiling.

But it has been replied to these, that in this case no limitation had been necessary, or it would have been said at once, that it was to be a perpetual ordinance, or expressed in plainer terms, than in the words in question.

When fishes are accustomed to live in the Pacific Ocean, how can you expect them to exist in a hole like that?" "Indeed, Peterkin," I replied, "there seems to be truth in what you say.

"I tell you, my dear lady," he replied, his temper tried by her words, but controlled by her appearance, "I tell you the Radicals are a low lot, the whole of them." "Ah! Then I suppose you know them all," she said, looking at him thoughtfully.

The applause of the magistrates burst out at this, and all the crowd replied to it. The Chief-President concluded the sitting by a very short compliment to the Regent, who rose, and at the same time all the assembly, which then broke up.