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"The result," M'Iver hurried to exclaim, but putting out his breast with a touch of vanity, "of a private rencontre, an affair of my own with a Reay gentleman, and not to be laid to my credit as part of the war's scaith at all."

He went to entertain his late vis-'a-vis at the "Peacock." Meantime a shorter and less pleasant rencontre had taken place between Leith and that village. Gatty felt he should meet his lost sweetheart; and sure enough, at a turn of the road Christie and Jean came suddenly upon him. Jean nodded, but Christie took no notice of him; they passed him; he turned and followed them, and said, "Christie!"

She looked up surprised; and it was young Mr. Hardie. His tall figure was bending towards her submissively, and his face, as well as his utterance, betrayed considerable agitation. And what led to so unusual a rencontre between a young gentleman and lady who had never been introduced? "The Tender Passion," says a reader of many novels. Why, yes; the tenderest in all our nature: Wounded Vanity.

That they would be attacked he had no doubt; and although, at any other time, he would almost have rejoiced in such an opportunity of discomfiting his assailants, yet now he thought very differently, and would have sacrificed almost everything to have been able to avoid the rencontre, and be permitted quietly to withdraw himself from his associates, without the spilling of more blood.

Henriette turned her head and then said to me, "Here are mesdames de Brionne and de Grammont." I knew the latter but very slightly, and the former not at all. Certainly she could not have been there by chance; they knew I should be there, and wished to see me closely. Not suspecting what was to follow, I was delighted at the rencontre.

It appeared that, learning the proximity of the English forces from this rencontre with part of their advanced guard, and dreading lest the town, which was on the point of surrendering, should after all be snatched from their grasp, the commander of the enemy's forces had ordered an immediate and general assault; and had for this purpose recalled from their outposts the whole of his troops thus stationed, that he might make the attempt with the utmost strength he could accumulate.

Sullivan felt surprised at this rencontre, especially at the nature of its singular termination; he seemed, however, to fall into a meditative and gloomy mood, and observed when Dalton had gone "If I ever had any doubt, Donnel, that my poor brother owed his death to a Dalton, I haven't it now." "I don't blame you much for sayin' so," replied Donnel.

"It is with you that my business lies, Monsieur de Lafare," said D'Harmental, throwing his hat on the ground. "Yes, monsieur," replied the captain of the guards, following the example of the chevalier; "and at the same time I know that nothing could give me more honor and more pain than a rencontre with you, particularly for such a cause."

Being full of his discourse, and glad of the rencontre, I to White Hall; and there got into the theater-room, and there heard both the vocall and instrumentall musick, where the little fellow' stood keeping time; but for my part, I see no great matter, but quite the contrary in both sorts of musique.

Tout près du sommet du Col, on rencontre de beaux bancs de grès jaunâtre qui sortent de dessous la pierre calcaire, et qui pourtant ne font aucune effervescence avec les acides.