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The garden is cut by a long alley which can serve as the field of honour. I will go at once to warn De Montagnac and his brother; then I will go to the 'Three Roads." "Good," said Albert. "Naturally, we leave Maurice Renaud out of our quarrel." "Certainly," said Charles de Morlay bowing. They parted. From a distance the young painter saw the Duke enter the great hall.

The cook, it is true, was in his galley; but if I chose to arm myself with the pistols that had been presented to me by the Frenchman aboard the Marie Renaud, it would be no such desperate matter to slip for'ard and clap the hatch over the fore-scuttle, secure the cook in his galley, and then compel the half-drunken helmsman to surrender.

Neill had sent forward a detachment of four hundred British soldiers and three hundred Sikhs under major Renaud, and Havelock, who had arrived in the town just as they were starting, promised to follow in a day or two, as soon as he could get ready a larger force.

But I cannot forget that those men have been guilty of two very serious offences first in seizing the brig from you and compelling you to navigate her to this lonely spot, and next in their act of piracy in connection with the Marie Renaud; and I fear oh, I fear terribly that by and by, when we are nearing the end of our journey, they will take some desperate step to effectually prevent your ever bearing witness against them.

The rebels were soon dispersed however by a charge, headed by the Chevalier d'Aumale, and assisted by the chiefs of the wards, and so soon as the riot was quelled, its ringleader, a leading advocate, Renaud by name, was hanged. Still, but for the energy of the priests, it is doubtful whether the city could have been held by the Confederacy.

Is it that you give me, Renaud L'Estang, my life? No, I must have mistaken your words." "You have made no mistake. As far as I am concerned you are free. I ask but one thing, Renaud L'Estang. Some day you may be able to show mercy to one of your foes. Should such a time arrive, remember that once mercy was not withheld from you." He did not speak, but motioned me with his hand to follow him.

Madame Michelin, a beautiful blonde; her husband is a carpet manufacturer; I recommend him to you, duchesse. Madame Rénaud, an adorable brunette, with blue eyes and black lashes, and whose husband is . Ma foi! I do not remember exactly " "What M. Michelin is, probably," said Pompadour, laughing.

Pauline's breath was now very short, her articulation difficult, her throat contracted and relaxed by turns. "It is true!" she gasped. "I cannot walk. I cannot even stand up. Oh, Dr. Renaud, this is more than weakness or fright. I am very sick, Doctor. Why cannot I stand up?" Renaud tore off his coat, the priest and Martin did the same.

"By your accepting Le Gardeur without more delay! All the city knows he is mad in love, and would marry you any day you choose if you wore only the hair on your head. He would ask no better fortune!" "It is useless to advise me, Renaud!" said she, "and whether I take Le Gardeur or no it would not help your chance with Amelie!

"Nothing," I replied with a forced laugh; "I am foolish; that is all." Yes, there was my name in crabbed letters; I glanced from it to the foot of the page: the letter was signed, "Renaud L'Estang." "L'Estang!" I muttered, "L'Estang! Why, that is the name of my adventurer. Of course he is with Anjou; but why should he write to me?