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Nor is it any loss to those he buys of, for as all the remitters of money know his bills, and they are currently paid, they never scruple delivering their money upon his bills, so that the countryman or manufacturer is effectually supplied, and the time given in the bill is the property of the current dealer on whom they are drawn.

These all remained in the late treasurer's hands at the time of his removal, yet the money was expended, which occasioned those great demands upon the commissioners of the treasury who succeeded him, and were forced to pawn those tallies to the bank, or to remitters, rather than sell them at twenty or twenty-five per cent. discount, as the price then was.

These are your only true weapons, Sir Ralph your writs of entry, assise, and right your pleas of novel disseisin, post-disseisin, and re-disseisin your remitters, your præcipes, your pones, and your recordari faciases. These are the sword, shield, and armour of proof of a wise man." "Zounds! you take away one's breath with this hail-storm of writs and pleas, master lawyer!" cried Nicholas.

His love-letters of the last year of his gentlemanship are stuffed with discontinuances, remitters, and uncore priests; but, now being enabled to speak in proper person, he talks of a French hood instead of a jointure, wags his law, and joins issue. Then he begins to stick his letters in his ground chamber-window, that so the superscription may make his squireship transparent.