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Here he plunged into reminiscence. 'Then you don't think there is any particular objection to having a Number 13? said Anderson. 'Ah! to be sure. Well, you understand, I was brought up to the business by my poor old father. He kept an hotel in Aarhuus first, and then, when we were born, he moved to Viborg here, which was his native place, and had the Phoenix here until he died. That was in 1876.

Moreover it was a period quite unaccompanied, in our family life, by any sort of trouble, illness, or calamity. The Chancery of Lincoln is connected in my mind with no tragic or even sorrowful event whatever, and suggests no painful reminiscence. How many people, I wonder, can say that of any home that has sheltered them for so long?

"Did you make another speech?" Lady Agnes asked. "I don't know. Did I?" Nick appealed. "I don't know!" and Julia spoke with her back turned, doing something to her hat before the glass. "Oh of course the confusion, the bewilderment!" said Lady Agnes in a tone rich in political reminiscence. "It was really immense fun," Mrs. Dallow went so far as to drop. "Dearest Julia!"

They had indulged in a few low, utterly gentle, and unmalicious laughs of reminiscence at some of her eccentricities; then they had agreed that she was a good old soul, and said no more of her, but gazed with languorous delight at the spring scene misty with green and rose and gold like the smoke of some celestial fire.

Its thrill of reminiscence passed into the thrill of premonition, of something about to happen to her. Poems made of the white dust, of the wind in the green corn, of the five trees they would be the most beautiful poems in the world.

It enrolled again in the new army, under the head of veterans and reserve, the remains of the old discharged legions, who had so heroically endured the penalty of the errors committed by their crowned leader. It effaced also, in their minds, that reminiscence of a distasteful past, while by a sort of special Charter it secured their future.

In the latter event, his utterance is a failure; in the former, he has succeeded in stimulating activity of mind by the process of setting before us a reminiscence of the actual.

Peter's expression was one of amiable reminiscence. His cheeks were a trifle flushed, his appearance was entirely reassuring. She laughed at her brother's caution. She found her companion delightful. "Yes, the Count von Hern is a friend of my brother's," she admitted, carelessly. "And of yours?" he whispered, his arm slightly pressed against hers. She laughed at him silently and their eyes met.

The day of its arrival became an era from which we reckoned, and those of the first occupants of Fort Snelling who still survive, can scarcely recall a more delightful reminiscence than the arrival of the first steamboat, in the summer of 1823.

He was pushing his way gently through into the paddock, where a number of men were congregated, but no ladies. "The Fatherland," he added, "the heavy Fatherland! I killed a German once, when I was in the army of the Loire a most painful business." He was still shaking his head over this reminiscence when they reached the gateway of the paddock.