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There was indeed something in the native French taste naturally akin to that Italian finesse. The characteristic of French work had always been a certain nicety, a remarkable daintiness of hand, une nettete remarquable d'execution.

«§ 447. On peut, des environs de Siongy, observer la structure de la dernière montagne de cette chaine; elle est très remarquable. Les couches horizontales au sommet se courbent presqu'

Remarquable were the two men that represent the two Dukes of Normandy and Aquitane. The Bishops come next after Barons, which is the higher place; which makes me think that the next Parliament they will be called to the House of Lords. My Lord Monk rode bare after the King, and led in his hand a spare horse, as being Master of the Horse.

«Quelques-uns de ces bancs, remplis de cailloux, offrent une particularité bien remarquable; on voit

«§ 361. En avant de ce rocher, du coté l'est, on en voit un autre d'une structure très remarquable. Il a la forme d'un chevron aigu ou d'un lambda [Greek: L]. on le nomme, sans doute

I read him French books of the last century, the memoirs of Saint Simon, of Mably, Renal, Helvetius, Voltaire's correspondence, the encyclopedists, of course without understanding a word, even when, with a smile and a grimace, he ordered me, 'relire ce dernier paragraphe, qui est bien remarquable! Ivan Matveitch was completely a Frenchman.

Docs., IX. 550; Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable en Canada, 1692, 1693; Callieres au Ministre, 1 Sept., 1693; La Potherie, III. 169; Relation de 1682-1712; Faillon, Vie de Mlle. Le Bar, 313; Belmont, Hist. du Canada; Beyard and Lodowick, Journal of the Late Actions of the French at Canada; Report of Major Peter Schuyler, in N. Y. Col. Docs., IV. 16; Colden, 142.

«§ 339. Mais cette même structure presente fréquemment une singularité remarquable. Ce sont des bancs perpendiculaires

One of the Indians climbed an especially high one, and, Radisson says, "being there, did shew no more then a crow." These are the sand-hills, which the Indian legend, in Longfellow's "Hiawatha," says were thrown up by Pau-puk-keewis when he blew up a whirlwind. Next the voyagers came to a very "remarquable place, a banke of Rocks that the wildmen made a sacrifice to.

Les eloges que vous donnez a l'auteur de l'article sur Lissa sont tres-merites, car le travail est tres-interessant; mais ils ne sont pas pour moi, car je suis completement etranger a la paternite de ce remarquable morceau, auquel je ne reproche qu'une chose la severite de ses jugements sur un homme dans la position de Persano.